Duckling update!


6 Years
May 17, 2013
Kentucky, USA
Took them all outside. I was gone for three days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and I came back Monday evening) and they seemed to have literally doubled in size! I was blown away. They're all little monsters now lol! Pyrrhos's feathers are coming in really well. :)

All the smaller ones are Welsh Harlequins, and the big one is a Mallard. The WHs are 16 days old, and the Mallard is 25 days old.

It is breathtaking, how quickly they grow!
Took them all outside. I was gone for three days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and I came back Monday evening) and they seemed to have literally doubled in size! I was blown away. They're all little monsters now lol! Pyrrhos's feathers are coming in really well. :)

All the smaller ones are Welsh Harlequins, and the big one is a Mallard. The WHs are 16 days old, and the Mallard is 25 days old.
They are so cute and I agree you can almost watch them grow.
LOL They follow her around everywhere. If Pyrrhos does something, the rest do it too. Let's hope it doesn't go to her head ;D

Anyways, if she does end up being the Queen Duck, I have a feeling she'll lead through example, instead of some of the stories I've heard about their ducks being tyrants lolol(I've even heard of tyrant ducks being overthrown by everyone else - that was pretty interesting!)

Pyrrhos is probably the only one I'll let go broody and hatch, too.

Lolol I try not to play favorites, but Pyrrhos is definitely the favorite.
LOL They follow her around everywhere. If Pyrrhos does something, the rest do it too. Let's hope it doesn't go to her head ;D

Anyways, if she does end up being the Queen Duck, I have a feeling she'll lead through example, instead of some of the stories I've heard about their ducks being tyrants lolol(I've even heard of tyrant ducks being overthrown by everyone else - that was pretty interesting!)

Pyrrhos is probably the only one I'll let go broody and hatch, too.

Lolol I try not to play favorites, but Pyrrhos is definitely the favorite.
She is your first born.
Haha, that she is! I like Nyx, too. She's sooo chill, even though she started out as being my noisiest. My dad is in love with Thoth haha. My friend loves Eris. Lol poor Erebus gets no lovins. XD

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