duckling vs chick size comparison and some other incubation questions


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
San Martin, Ca
Right now I have one incubator that has chicken eggs in it and the other has duck eggs. I am wondering once the ducklings hatch am I going to have to separate them from the chicks or will the baby chicks be ok w/ the ducklings? I am wondering the size comparison of newly hatched ducks vs. chicks. These chicks will be a week old by the time the ducklings hatch. THis is my very first experience w/ ducks so any input is greatly appreciated. The breeds of ducks I got were calls and cayugas.

Other question I have regarding incubation when it goes to lockdown. For my chicken eggs I use egg cartons to hatch out the chicks so they don't play bowling w/ the eggs when other chicks have already hatched and some still hatching. Can I do the same for the duck eggs, put them in an egg carton to hatch. Or are duck eggs different? I read somewhere that because call ducks have very short bills they somehow need the egg kind of moving when they hatch to help them get out of the egg. So will laying them down on their sides in the incubator be better than hatching in cartons.


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