Duckling with possible encephalitis. HELP

Ericsgirlie, this may be what we are encountering with our little duck! Miss Lydia has been trying to help us with him, since posted a plea for help a couple of days ago. I certainly hope our little guy makes it, too, but he still has not stood, and today, he isn't eating and is drinking very little.
My prayers and warm loving thoughts are with you and little Aflac! It sounds like you have done a wonderful job!!

Because we do not know exactly what is wrong, All I can say is improvise. to keep them hydrated, At some point the table turned. It is always worth trying because Aflack, while a in the houswe chucken is so sweet. This has totally been a learning curve for us! Early, it was trying to help but nit knowing what we were doing. Every one said to put her down!
It has been a while but thought maybe you would want to see healthy Aflac. You would never know how sick she was. She actually lives outside, but comes in occasionally and enjoys going on walks through town. She is even laying eggs :) Here she is with her sister.
It has been a while but thought maybe you would want to see healthy Aflac. You would never know how sick she was. She actually lives outside, but comes in occasionally and enjoys going on walks through town. She is even laying eggs :) Here she is with her sister.
How adorable so happy to hear she is doing well. Thanks for updating.

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