
In the Brooder
May 5, 2023
Four ducklings wandered into my yard yesterday morning. Just tonight, two of them died. We found the first lying dead. We thought maybe it had snapped it’s neck because they were laying at an odd angle. However, at 3am (2 hours later), another one was acting oddly. It seemed like the poor little guy couldn’t hold up their head. We tried putting him in water to see if he would snap out of it and start swimming. He didn’t so we put him in a sock to attempt to stabilize their head. A few moments later he passed away in my fiancé’s hands. I’m not sure what caused this and if the other two ducklings are in trouble. Please help if you have any advice! I’m just trying to keep these poor babies alive. (They will be given to someone with better equipment and knowledge of raising them on Monday. I want to give them the best care I can until then.)

Btw, we have been feeding them old fashioned oats and frozen peas that have been cut in half. It’s hard to tell if each of them ate them. We have been keeping them in a plastic tote that has a close able lid. When we found the first dead the lid had been closed (with an opening for air) so we assumed the one had jumped too high and broke his neck. However, when we saw the next struggling the lid had been open so that was not the cause. In the tote we gave them a towel (that we switched out after the second one passed).

I am open to any and every care instruction! I just don’t want to see these other two suffer the way their siblings have :(
Not sure what could be going on. Give me a minute and I'll try to help.
So it looks like they could have Duck Virus Hepatitis. There is unfortunately no cure, just prevention. Have they pooped? If so, how does it look? And have you tried giving them any water to drink in the tote?
Not sure what could be going on. Give me a minute and I'll try to help.
Thank you for trying to help them with us! There is one left and they seem to be holding on. We got them to eat some freeze dried shrimp and worms. I’m not sure what else to do for them
So it looks like they could have Duck Virus Hepatitis. There is unfortunately no cure, just prevention. Have they pooped? If so, how does it look? And have you tried giving them any water to drink in the tote?
Yes, we gave them water. When we first got them they were popping a lot and it was very green. However, towards the end they definitely weren’t going a lot and I noticed a white, almost mucus type poo
Yes, we gave them water. When we first got them they were popping a lot and it was very green. However, towards the end they definitely weren’t going a lot and I noticed a white, almost mucus type poo
These poor babies:( do you think there is anything else I can do for this one?
Thank you for trying to help them with us! There is one left and they seem to be holding on. We got them to eat some freeze dried shrimp and worms. I’m not sure what else to do for them
I'm sorry I don't really know what else to do! Ducks definitely aren't my specialty. It's good that there poop has changed as green poop can indicate dehydration. Try putting some apple cider vinegar in some electrolyte water for him. Here's a recipe.
1 Cup Water
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1/8 Teaspoon Baking Soda

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