Ducklings fighting

There are a number of things you can try. The top two that I would recommend would be either-

1. P.M. me where you live and I can find you a vet to talk to.

2. Try keeping them together, but seperated by a screen, so that they can see each other, but not touch each other.
Did you find a vet? That would be best.

Meanwhile, an unbreakable mirror could help - and as Ameraucanas wrote, separating them but letting them see each other helps.

Ideally, getting a weight would be good (with ducklings some kitchen scales work) to monitor weight loss. @casportpony has some recommendations there - you may need to consider tube feeding or syringe feeding.

What is the temperature in the brooder? What do they eat? Is food available with water 24/7? Is the little one pooping? Have they had chick grit or anything other than starter food?

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