Ducks ate Silicone sealant???

Jemima Duck

Jun 10, 2019
I went to let my ducks out of their new coop this morning (made out of an old shed, with lino covering the bottom and up the walls a bit, sealed using a (EDIT: Acrylic sealant)) to see that the water in their waterer was a horrible opaque pinkish colour. I was dumbfounded... Until I noticed a lack of pink silicone sealant on the sides of the coop.
My main concern is to do with the fact that the sealant hadn't 100% set. My father had come round to help build the new coop, and after 3 or so days of leaving the sealant to dry, it was still tacky, but mainly dry. He said this should be okay and the ducks won't bother with it. Today (what is left of it) is still tacky.
I'm not sure if they were eating it or what... All I know is that it's in their waterer ( opposite side to the sealant, so they could have gone to drink water to wash it down, or clean their beaks after they tasted it?) And that it's also all over the top half of my white runner. I'm not sure what to do about her having it all over her head and neck, it's kind of rubbery and seems stuck to her feathers. I know they can't really wash their own heads well... Do I wash her myself with mild soap? I'm worried about washing the oil off of her because it's getting cold in England at this time of year.

I have so many questions, but any advice would be VERY appreciated, I'm really worried about my ducks.

Why do things like this happen to poultry when you think everything's going well? :(

EDIT: it turns out it was acrylic sealant! :(
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My chickens eat styrofoam. I try to stop them, but they love it and eat it at any given chance. This hasn’t hurt them... yet. I think your ducks will be okay, just keep them away from the silicone until it dries right. Wash your girl, and try to snip off any silicone that won’t wash off. Poultry seem to like eating anything they’re not supposed to :he
My ducks ate insulation the other day. Ducks eat everything and anything!

Wash off your duck that got into the sealant, I would use Dawn dish soap just because I feel like it works for most things.

I'm sure they'll be fine. Wash out the waterer too and scrape out the sealant from it.

My Muscovy is the one who ate all this insulation, she is still good after 3 days.

You could let it go..but if it were me.. I wouldn’t..dawn dish soap is what they used to wash the oil off ducks when they had the oil’s safe for ducks..a warm bath..even in a bucket..try to loosen it up..start a conversation with miss Lydia..cashews knows activated charcoal helps breakdown ingested toxins..I personally would definitely give it to the runner...depending on the number of ducks.. I might think of giving some to all?askher.. I had two ducks die in three hrs 3 weeks ago from getting into a old sink my hubby brought home with insulation....who knows what the tacky stuff will do..I would give that a try...
You could let it go..but if it were me.. I wouldn’t..dawn dish soap is what they used to wash the oil off ducks when they had the oil’s safe for ducks..a warm bath..even in a bucket..try to loosen it up..start a conversation with miss Lydia..cashews knows activated charcoal helps breakdown ingested toxins..I personally would definitely give it to the runner...depending on the number of ducks.. I might think of giving some to all?askher.. I had two ducks die in three hrs 3 weeks ago from getting into a old sink my hubby brought home with insulation....who knows what the tacky stuff will do..I would give that a try...
I'm sorry you lost your ducklings. My muscovy is 8 weeks now and she is acting fine from her insulation addiction.
And I just got silicone sealant on my favorite jeans. I put Dawn on it and let it sit them washed it, it all came off. That's the reason I recommend dawn...
Silicone dries in about 4 to 6 hours, if you catch it before it dries detergents can work, from what i'm reading it sounds like the product in question has not dried completely in quite some time and is red/pink. Both of these make me wonder if it's actually silicone at all.

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