Ducks breaking eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Hi I posted a month or so back about my duck breaking her eggs. We believed it to be one of her first batches so we thought that might have been why. But now she's on her second batch with us and she keeps breaking them. The eggs are about a wk or two old now. She keeps rolling them out of the nest and out of the duck house. We put them back inside and she breaks then eats them. Any thoughts. I'll include pics of her and the house. I'm worries about her health to, I think her comb looks pale.

Hi I posted a month or so back about my duck breaking her eggs. We believed it to be one of her first batches so we thought that might have been why. But now she's on her second batch with us and she keeps breaking them. The eggs are about a wk or two old now. She keeps rolling them out of the nest and out of the duck house. We put them back inside and she breaks then eats them. Any thoughts. I'll include pics of her and the house. I'm worries about her health to, I think her comb looks pale.

pale is normal with a brooding duck. okay when she rolls the eggs out you put them back inside, I'm thinking this is her way of getting rid of bad eggs and you keep giving them back to her. so she is disposing of them How many eggs has she rolled out and how do they look inside when she breaks them open? at 2 weeks you should see development
Ok that's what I was thinking. They looked just like the egg you would make for breakfast. I've yet to see anything but yoke. She's probably broken two dozen this summer. Maybe my drakes just not cutting it
Ok that's what I was thinking. They looked just like the egg you would make for breakfast. I've yet to see anything but yoke. She's probably broken two dozen this summer. Maybe my drakes just not cutting it
If she's still sitting on some of them don't give up hope that some may hatch. what ages are your ducks, I think it does take a while for them to get it right but I would think by second brood their should be some viable. Hope so! if she is on week 2 when she comes out side for her break take a couple 3 eggs and candle them . gives you an idea of what your looking at.
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Im going to guess between 1-2yrs old. We got her from some folks up the road and they thought she was about a year. Ill give the candling a shot, thanks for your help
Thank you Miss Lydia, I have the same thing going on, first batch were all bad. Now she or another (She is in with 9 guineas and two other ducks one of which has 6 babies running around) broke and ate the egg and she is on another batch of eggs that were laid today. I run her off the nest, took todays eggs and moved the other eggs into that nest. I didn't wash the old eggs off them so I'll see how it goes.

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