ducks ducks everywhere lol update from me


6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
So far this year I only managed to buy 3 from TSC, I got 3 pekins, and of course 2 are boys. I still have 7 muscovies, and all but one of the girls are laying now. One went broody, and then abandoned the nest after a week, so those are in the bator now, I did notice and grab the cold eggs before they died, so that's good. Last year's pekins both turned out to be girls, who laid all winter, but I am having trouble getting enough calcium into the one. She lays soft eggs about half the time. Which kind of sucks since we eat most of their eggs and I have them in with a muscovy drake so I can hatch some mules. I do have some of those eggs also in the bator, and all of the eggs are due to hatch on my birthday <3. saving up another stack of eggs on the counter, waiting for duckie to decide to sit. She finally acts more like a duck, but is still very friendly. She was imprinted on me since she had no duck friends for almost a year. She still hasn't finished the molt she started last AUGUST. IDK what the issue is, but she still has only molted about half her feathers, She's almost 2 years old, and still has the same wing feathers that grew in when she was a duckling.

Here we are, gonna hopefully be overrun with babies soon, I've got some people wanting some, mom can't wait to play with some more fuzzy butts. It's great, she loves brooding the littles, then sends them back when they get big and less adorable. Works for me! lol

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