Ducks eat slugs but not my Hostas?


Nov 10, 2016
OK, I have a little troop of 8 SWH's and this summer I am hoping they will eat all the slugs that have been decimating my hosta beds. I have to mulch the beds but the slugs do better every year and the hostas do worse. I do not want to use slug bait (or beer, or whatever). I can't convince the toads to hang around long enough to get them, so the only other thing I can think of is my lovely gang of ducks. BUT, I do NOT want them to eat all the hostas. Is there any hope for the hostas?
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In my experience, everything likes to eat Hostas.
I've heard that in theory, ducks will eat bugs/slugs first and plants second, so if you don't leave them around your hostas too long, maybe the ducks won't eat them? Maybe?

My general experience has been this: ducks are really just feathered piggies.
I've heard that in theory, ducks will eat bugs/slugs first and plants second, so if you don't leave them around your hostas too long, maybe the ducks won't eat them? Maybe?

My general experience has been this: ducks are really just feathered piggies.

OK, this makes sense....let them pig out on weeds in the garden, then waddle them over to the hosta beds before herding them back to their run. I would have to watch them in the hosta beds anyhow as it's too close to the street to leave them unsupervised. But, at least we have a plan!

Theories are good, until proven otherwise.

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