Ducks eggs trying to break shell,,should I help??


9 Years
May 23, 2010
I don't know their exact date they should hatch. At the latest it would be the 20th,,4 days from now,,but I am not sure. I noticed 2 days ago ,,they are trying to break shell,,there are some small cracks,,looks from the inside out,,where the shell is broke.

I candled them and can see them moving around,,,can't hear anything from them,,,but its noisy in the coop. What should I do??? The shells are very strong or should I say healthy!! lol

Should I help break the shell??? Or will they work it out??
We have two baby ducks this morning!!! Its also my GFs Birth Day today. She's happy!!

We moved The broody ISA brown hen and chicks to a separate box,,should I leave the hen in with the chicks??? Here's the story,,,One of my Australourpes went broody,,originally. After 3 weeks of sitting on eggs,,she got off the nest with about 7-8 days to go. For whatever reason,,,I can't explain,,,this ISA Brown started sitting on them. And now they hatched. She is a first timer with chicks ,,for sure. I'm worried about leaving her in with the chicks!!!

One other thing. While we were moving chicks,,all the other chickens ran out of the coop!! They never leave the coop and now are out in the woods,,very thick cover!! Now I have to try to catch them!! lol


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