Ducks eggs won’t pip!


In the Brooder
Jan 8, 2022
Im hatching call duckling, but they are not hatching. 1/3 of the ducklings hatched on day 28 and it is now day 32, I’m unsure if they are moving. I did candle them day 29 and I didn’t see anything wrong, I saw veins and the big air sac. I’m worried, should I assist? Is it possible they’re not ready? I’m scared the little ducklings will be lonely through their youth and they did not make it. Should I crack the top of the shell (pip it for them?) and see if the ducklings good?
Hi, sureee. I will candle them again later as I can’t right now and take some pictures.
Can you post some pictures of you candling them?
Hii, I’m unable to candle them because 3 pipped pekins are due today and I don’t want to fluctuate the humidity and temperature to much for them, but they still haven’t made any progress, maybe I could do it once they’re born? Or do you think it would be too late?

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