DUCKS IN FLORIDA!! iTs the stupid freakin law, I am pissed off!

I think the domestic ducks fall through the cracks here. I mean are they really going to go out and inspect all of the duck owners out there and see if they have a permit???
Because some dumb ppl get a duckling and when it is grown they dump them outside, these birds have an unfair advantage in breeding (according to the government) because they are released in full health after being cared for when a wild duck might have a defect that it would die before breeding age these pet ducks are taken care of until its not 'cute' anymore then turned out...

they also have the disadvantage of not having normal raising and could have compromised behaviors... (according to the government)

So these former pet ducks breed in 'bad' genes and then can't take care of young (because they were breed for meat or egg production and not a normal life as an example) and each pet duck that takes a wild mate messes up those ducklings and also removes one good wild duck from the breeding population (until the former pet duck dies).

[/tinfoil hat]
Because some dumb ppl get a duckling and when it is grown they dump them outside, these birds have an unfair advantage in breeding (according to the government) because they are released in full health after being cared for when a wild duck might have a defect that it would die before breeding age these pet ducks are taken care of until its not 'cute' anymore then turned out...

they also have the disadvantage of not having normal raising and could have compromised behaviors... (according to the government)

So these former pet ducks breed in 'bad' genes and then can't take care of young (because they were breed for meat or egg production and not a normal life as an example) and each pet duck that takes a wild mate messes up those ducklings and also removes one good wild duck from the breeding population (until the former pet duck dies).

[/tinfoil hat]

That's exactly what happens. And, because many of the hybrids don't fly, they often stay in one area and inbreed causing a whole slew of other issues.

I've heard a lot of things about Florida and their laws. I feel bad for any responsible duck owner over there (and feel bad for the feral ducks, too).
Florida is home to the wild Florida Black Duck, which tend to breed with mallards, of course the results are neither black nor mallard but can breed with either. They are trying all this nonsense to preserve the black duck. Since both breeds migrate most of the breeding is being done out of state.... Most wild waterfowl officials outside of Fl consider the black duck to be doomed because the wild Mallards greatly outnumber the pure Blacks. A state that can not even control the interduced population of huge snakes that craw on the ground still thinks it can regulate flying wild ducks! They can NOT but they can regulate Humans. If humans were the cause of the problem they might susscede but they are not and the Florida Black duck is doomed.
I'm an avid duck hunter and it drives me insane when I come across a wild mallard and domestic hybrid. It makes me want to smack someone. These regulations are in effect because there are some idiots out there who think they know more than mother nature and dump domestics in with wild ducks. The result is a screwed up gene pool and unwanted hybrid species competing for the same breeding and feeding as the wild ones. Dmestics should be kept domestic. Love them, pet them, breed them, sell them, eat them, cullp them, whatever....just don't turn them loose.
I dont understand how I was inspected for a public exhibit permit and the lady saw my freakin ducks. No comment at that time. I am just gonna get rid of my ducks cause its too much hassle.

Tiger read the response they wrote me.. ALL MALLARDS and pekins included. If you do not believe me go to

put in your own question and they will answer you back with the same. Someone else on here was trying to tell me pekins are not included but its in black and white. We need to change legislation to not include on AG property. If they are flightless and fat, like mine. WHO CARES?!? No wild duck will come down when my guys are running in the yard, they go to the pen. They beat up on the new guys and even go after the freakin crows.

I had some idiot tell me to dump my gander at a local pond, HELLO its abadonment. You are responsible for the animals you bring into your home. Its doesn't matter if the person before you didn't, you are. You need to try your best to make sure the animals go to good homes or are eaten because thats much better than being dumped. As for protecting "natural"breeds... really. Its evolution people. Even nature does its business in the nasty way. We will have to be responsible with our animals but understand that no black duck will remain that.

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