ducks ok to "play" on paving?


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
as yall probably already know my garden is paving, but the ducks run has a wooden floor with lino over it and sand on top of the lino and straw covering the sand, but the run is far too small its about 15 foot square, they do have a big pool to play in with an island, i was gonna make a new house with a ramp leading to the pool so they couldnt get onto the paving but am i worrying too much? should i just let them mooch around the paving or is the risk of them hurting their feet too great? i could get some of those blue plastic sheet things and cover the paving with them?? ideas plz im going bonkers
I assume the paving is pretty smooth? I'd be concerned if it was rough like poured concrete (it could cause abrasions on their feet). Since your ducks have the option of standing in either the soft bedding or the paving, I'd bet they'd be okay. If their feet are bothering them, they'll stay on the softer ground more often.
i dont even know why i made this thread i guess its coz i havent made one for a while lol, anyways im gonna go with the house leading into the pool that will be nice for them

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