Ducks okay without any red brooder light at night for first time?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 23, 2015
My flock is 15weeks (6 female Khaki Cambells) and they're used to always having a 175w red heat lamp on all night. They have plenty of ventilation so they don't get too warm and I keep it on at night for some warmth and so they can see their food and water and I've heard that it keeps them from picking on each other. If I turn it off (don't need it for heat tonight) will they freak out (not see their food, pick on each other), because it's dark and they haven't been in the dark all night before? I know they shouldn't get too much light because they might start to lay prematurely, right? I'm going to order the ceramic non-light heat bulb for when the cold comes back soon. I try not to keep it too warm, either, so they won't pick on each other. They have enough room, though. Any thoughts? Thanks.
How cold is it where you are? At that age they don't need any type of heat unless it's gets really, really cold (sub zero type). As far as a light, I've never had one for mine or heard anyone say the need it. Ducks are not chickens in reguards to the red light. I would turn it off and leave it off. Heat lamps shod be used with great caution since they are big fire hazards. I also don't keep food or water in my coop past 8 weeks. They don't need it and have their full during the day. It really cuts down on the mess, but if you have that under control it won't hurt to leave their food and water in there.
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I followed my gut instincts on lighting. Einz especially, but also some of my other Runners were terrified of the dark from day one. My philosophy is, why make them frightened? So, we have had a very low-wattage light on at night for them.

Fast forward to just a few months ago, I started turning the night light off and waiting….No problems. So now, finally, no night light. Shew.
I'm in north Idaho, but we're having a heat spell (after a bitter cold spell). Last night, thanks to your encouragment, they got to sleep without a light. There was no problem! Thanks.

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