Ducks stopped laying suddenly


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
Clermont, GA
I have 5 hens and 2 drakes, different breeds. 2 of my hens were laying when I got them, pretty regularly for 2 weeks. Now it has been more than 2 weeks since anyone has laid any eggs. My other 3 hens are not old enough yet. I'm experimenting with new nest boxes, and I am removing some of my containers from the garden to give them more space.

We also switched their food about that time, and I forgot to do it slowly - so I am wondering if they are getting enough nutrients, etc. They have access to oyster shell 24/7

Does anyone have any other ideas?
Could they be moulting?
I know my Lizzy Lou went off lay and there was no immediately obvious reasons why, then I spotted her wings were regenerating.
One of the hens that was laying is most definitely molting. At first I thought she was getting picked on too much, so we separated her. But now after a lot of research, I think she is just molting. The other hen though isn't visibly molting - but maybe she will start soon? This is my first round with ducks, I started gathering my flock in April.

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