Ducks strange toenail injury- advice please



5 Years
Aug 8, 2018
Hudson Valley, NY
Hello all! I have not been on the forums for while and since then we’ve expanded our flock quite a bit!
We have a little mallard named Minnie and I’m worried about her toe.
Her back toe nail is basically growing in a very strange way it’s growing up and out instead of curled and down.
She’s limping a lot and can barely walk on it. We’ve trimmed it before and even asked the vet when she was here but she thought maybe she broke her toe- which I knew wasn’t true.. but she was ok for a while after we trimmed the nail.

I just don’t know what to do it’s like now the nail is growing wonky and idk how to fix or reset it.. I’m hoping someone has experienced something similar I couldn’t find anything in the forums. Please help
:(. First pic is the normal toe second pic is the wonky one.


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Looks like the toe is swollen she just may have caught it on something and injured it. can't see how the nail could be causing the problem. Bottom of feet look good no sign of bumble? Might want to try some Epsom salt soaks to see if it helps with inflammation. Just don't let her drink the water it's also a laxative.
I could see if the nail was growing into the skin but it doesn't look like it could be the problem. But then again I am not seeing it in person. When looking at both toes does the one with the wonky nail look redder and swollen? Bottom of her feet look good?
Yes that’s true ya her feet bottoms are all good.. it just really confuses me why it’s growing the opposite way though. Maybe there’s an injury at the very base of the nail that’s causing it. No not really swollen, maybe very slight. But maybe I’ll try the epsom salt just for good measure.
No different than a Dogs dewclaw that will grow and poke the leg or toe. Keeping it trimmed will help.
Ya maybe I’ll just keep trimming I read the quick recedes if you keep trimming often so maybe I’ll do that. At first we thought maybe the toe was twisted the opposite way but doesn’t look like that. She’s even sticking her foot out when she sits instead of sitting on it.... so I have to be careful she’s not sitting on snow too long
I’d keep her where she is having to rest most she may even have a sprain if she caught her toe on something she may have injured more than her toe. So rest and Epsom salt soaks and see how she is doing in 3-4 days.

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