Ducks strange toenail injury- advice please

She's adorable đź’ś I would still give her 1 ml daily because what her body doesn't need she will pee out. It's water soluble.
Perfect okay sounds good! I will let you know it she’s making improvements. I ordered from amazon ( of course lol) so it should be here soon!
Haha thank you she’s so cute right you should see how sassy she is!
Are you doing it according to the link I gave you? Did you wrap her in a towel?
Yes I wrapped her, she’s okay she’s used to me picking her up and giving meds it’s just it was so much and it’s so cold that it was hard for me to hold her mouth open without slipping. I only have about 20 minutes between when it gets pretty light out to give water, let them all out, give some treats, open feeders etc. triple check everything and leave for work. Tomorrow I can take her inside and even let her swim in the bath and stuff before I do it. Even try to put a little over lettuce and see if she wants it. I also put it to the side of the mouth as much as possible so sometimes a little leaks out a little. I think the cold was most to blame my hands were burning and I couldn’t feel them after about 5 minutes this cold is terrible. Yet I look over and everyone’s in the pool as soon as I break the ice lol..
Us and water fowl big difference. It's sucks having to do anything outside in winter with out gloves and I hate gloves can't do a thing with them on. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
So all is well with Minnie it was easier even though it was colder because there was 2 people. I swear she’s improved though she’s limping less I really hope this is working!

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