Ducks won't come in at night


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2015
This spring I purchased 3 Pekin ducks and 3 Mallards. The Mallards have always been more wild, whereas the Pekins are friendly and domesticated. The ducks have been free ranging for a few months now, and I had not had any problems getting them in at night. they'd go right into the coop by themselves when it got dark, and I'd go in and lock them up and feed them. It worked perfectly, until about a month ago the ducks discovered the pond at the end of the driveway, and it has been troublesome to get them in at night ever since.
At first they did fine, they would come waddling up from the pond right at dusk, but the ducks have made friends with a flock of wild geese and other ducks, and have decided they want to be wild too. I've tried enticing them with treats, and it worked for a few nights, but the Mallards have caught on and lost interest. Now the Pekins start following me back to the coop, but when they realize the Mallards aren't coming, they go right back to the pond. I am not worried about the Mallards at night, because they have wild insticts and are able to fly to get away from predators, but the Pekins have little chance of getting away. I do not leave food down by the pond, and I know they are hungry, yet they do not come up to eat. There are cyotes, raccoons, eagles, hawks and not to mention screech owls, which I watched kill a duck just last night. What do I do? I love my Pekins to death, they are my little children, so I would be very upset if something killed them.
You may need to get help with someone getting behind them with a couple of long sticks to extend your reach, and walk them back up to the shelter, and then make a temporary fence to keep them near the shelter for a few days.

I would be sure to give them plenty of food and treats while they are in "confinement."

My thought is that this may retrain them.

You are right to be concerned. It is wrenching when animals do not cooperate and thus put their lives at risk.

The social pull is very very strong in ducks, as you have seen. I really think you need to retrain them by keeping them close to their shelter.
I will heard them up tonight for a couple of days. They're so happy down by the pond and I hate to disrupt them, but I'd hate it even more if the owls got them. I found out I've got three great horned owls on my land of 20 acres. Actualy it turns out the owls ripped the head off of a wild duck while in midair the other night! So even the ducks who can fly are still at risk
It is so good that you are thinking ahead. I know sometimes my ducks are reluctant to come in when they are having a good time foraging (I take them on supervised walks). But immediately the long list of predators comes to mind.

So I understand both sides of it - wanting them to revel in their time out of the pen - and wanting them to live long, healthy content lives.
Should I just leave the ducks inside their pen for a few days? It's a bit small (about 10x10) for 6 ducks to be in for multiple days, but I've never kept them confined in a fenced off area outside, I've always given them the freedom to roam the entire yard. I don't want to stress them out because as I've quickly found out, ducks don't do well with change. But I've also quickly found out I do not enjoy trying to herd the ducks up to the pen at 11pm everynight. I want the ducks to start coming up at night again, but I don't want to stress them out because then they really won't want tocome up to the pen at night
Do you ever throw a party for them in their pen? You bring some of their favorite treats, you bring a chair, you sit with them, talk to them, give them goodies? It can help them associate good times with the night shelter.

Something my ducks go wild for is very good quality, fresh straw. They make this wonderful call, heads slightly lowered, as if they are singing to the straw! Amazing! Wish I had a video of it!
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Hmm.. I will have to try that, sounds like fun!

Thank you so much
I will let you know how it goes
Well.. day 1 was great. I spent lots of time with the ducks in their pen and they were happy, but today, day 2, they were bored so they made a complete mess in their pen and went through five gallons of water in a matter of 3 hours. Because of their roudiness, I let them out and they went right down to the pond. I was hoping they would come up to the pen tonight, but it was a no-go. I went to heard them up, and I got the pekins halfway up the driveway, but the mallards weren't following, so I gave up and let them go.
Should I give up on the mallards and just bring the pekins in at night? The mallards can defend themselves and I'm not nearly as worried about them as I am about the pekins. Also, I have a feeling the mallards are going to fly south this fall. Should I split up the ducks and see how it goes? The pekins and mallards weren't born together and they stick to their two groups, but they still all stick together, so I'm not sure what to do. HELP.
I just want the pekin ducks to be safe and stay friendly
The mallards cannot exactly defend themselves, but they can fly.

The Pekins are really virtually helpless out there, and they are white - easy to see at night. Please protect them.
Well... one of my female mallards was killed last night. All that was left was a wing laying on the driveway. I beleive it was a cyote that got it, but im not postive. Either way, there is no way I am leaving my ducks out at night anymore. I've got them up in the pen now, thankfully they came up with ease, but I am even more worried now. Hopefully they were scared enough to realize that they are in danger at night

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