Ducks won't get in the pond


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
I have started trying to free range my 4 juvenile ducks (3 months old) and they won't go near the pond. I have herded them to the edge of it a half dozen times and they just huddle up to me at the edge and eventually make a beeline back up to the yard.

I have moved their pen closer to the pond trying to get them used to it. What else do I need to do?
May not be anything at all wrong with your pond; it may simply be that they are not confident enough around it yet. If they have only recently been free ranging, they will still be getting their barings and building their confidence in the wonderland you have now provided for them.

Be patient, they will go into the pond when they are ready and you won't be able to hurry it.
There are some turtles but I have never seen a large snapper. I try to keep the number of turtles in the pond to a minimum. I guess they just aren't ready yet.
I agree with the confidence thing. My ducks are just a month old. They sat feet from the pond for a week before attempting to dip their beaks. They have just started to swim but will only stay on the edge in a giant group. Moving their food or a water bucket close to the edge might be helpful. Once they start to spend more time down there they will get it.

I left a rake by the entrance to their enclosure. I couldn't figure out why they wouldn't go inside. Once I moved the rake, no problem. They seem to be creatures of habit and weary of anything new.
I had to move my enclosure right down at the water's edge so that part of the pen actually went out into the lake.
(a suggestion from someone on here)

Two weeks of being down on the water, and they were good to go!
They are now free range all day on the lake and love it!
Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to continue to work their pen closer to the water. Unfortunately, the slope of the bank won't allow me to put the edge of the pen into the water.
How gradual is the path into the pond? If it's too steep maybe it scares them? My 'ramp' is so gradual you barely feel like you are going downhill. Is it a biiiif pond or a small one? Are there other ducks already hanging out in it? Are they a part of the main flock or have they been segregated up until this point? Does the rest of the flock hop right in and they stop short? Just thinking aloud...
The pond is about an acre. These are the first set of ducks on the pond. I have twelve more ducklings in the brooder box.

The area where we access the pond isn't real steep but that area isn't real wide either. The rest of the pond bank on the side closest to the house is not so steep you can't walk down it, but you do have to be careful

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