Ducks wont go in my pond


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Mayville, Michigan
I have 3 Pekins, 1 drake and 2 females, they love all types of water but one, the pond
They like puddles, thunderstorms, the garden hose and a plastic kiddie pool but not the pond.
My vet who is not knowledgeable in birds suggested I may have a snapping turtle in their and the ducks sense the danger.
Any ideas or suggestions from those who have experienced the same issue?
They will walk to within about a foot of the water and that's about it.
They forage in the grass and woods surrounding the house and I can't keep them out of anything but the beautiful pond.
Your vet could be right about snapping turtle in the water; have you checked?

Other than that, my only other advice is: patience! Ducks will go in the pond only when they are ready.

How old are your pekins? How long have you had them?
The ducks are 16 weeks old, I don't know if I have a snapping turtle in the pond as I have never seen one, I have lived here for 12 yrs and all I have ever seen was small painted turtles.
I tried to herd the ducks down there about a month ago and they would not go in the water so I haven't tried to force them. They will walk down to about a foot from the water and graze and forage around but they will have nothing to do with "that" water. I can't keep them out of any other water source.
Like you say, I'll let them go when they are ready but it sure would be nice if they got to use the pond full of food and water. The pond is about 40 by 100 foot or so when the water level is down at it's lowest. Mostly sandy bottom with scattered weeds and cattails that surround the perimeter. I have had a few wild ducks visit in the past along with an occasional Heron feeding along the shoreline.

I'm going to look more into the snapping turtle idea and see what I can find.
i have 6 ducks that are the same way!!! i built them a cage and shelter near teh water but they will walk back up to the house and sit where there old pen was. i walk them back down and they would do every thing in there power not to get in the pond! and when they do get in they look like there drowning! LOL (i think they where cleaning them selfs) but then they get right back out and never go back in. now they live with the chickens in there pen?? i even tried onlt feeding them in the new spot but that did not help???? whats wrong with my ducks??? lol
I too had "land ducks" for a while, but we moved their pen down to the lake's edge so it was the only water source they had.
Didn't take but a few minutes for them to be happily splashing away.
Later when the pen was removed and they were allowed to free range on the lake, they have loved it and explored every corner!

This is the "section 8 housing with lake front view" that we built for them:

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I too had "land ducks" for a while, but we moved their pen down to the lake's edge so it was the only water source they had. Didn't take but a few minutes for them to be happily splashing away. Later when the pen was removed and they were allowed to free range on the lake, they have loved it and explored every corner! This is the "section 8 housing with lake front view" that we built for them:
I started with 6 ducks. 3 pekin 3 kakis. all have been killed by a mystery night stalker but 2. They won't go in the water! They sit at the edge or in the spot where their old pen used to be. I now keep the last two in with the chickens. This is not what I wanted. I wanted ducks for the lake not in the coop. I might try your technique of a pen on the edge of the lake.
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I started with 6 ducks. 3 pekin 3 kakis.
all have been killed by a mystery night stalker but 2. They won't go in the water! They sit at the edge or in the spot where their old pen used to be. I now keep the last two in with the chickens. This is not what I wanted. I wanted ducks for the lake not in the coop. I might try your technique of a pen on the edge of the lake.

Ducks have to be locked up at night in a secure building if not they will be picked off as you have seen. They have no means of escaping a "night predator" or stalker even out in the middle of the pond something can take them either from swimming out or from flying in or from underneath, The only way to keep them safe is secure housing at night. and checking those ponds for snapping turtles.

Welcome to BYC
Don't give up hope - I bought ducklings months and months ago - and raised them specifically because I wanted to see them paddling in our ponds! But --no matter how I tried to encourage them - they wouldn't go near it....Then, this past week - three of the braver members of my flock have started swimming in the pond closest to the coop/duck house. I LOVE watching them out there -they look so happy. I do have lots of turtles in my pond...some snappers but mostly box turtles...I think this is an issue of maturity and security for the ducks...Good luck. I''ll try to snap a picture and post it.
What are the best kind of ducks to get for my pond?
I don't want ducks I have to keep cooped up.
I built a floating duck house and everything. Boo hoo

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