Dufur, Oregon changed its chicken laws, and now a 4-H kid has to give up their rooster! Please sign

Like chicken minds thinking alike. I was just going to post this to see if some support could be drummed up for this little girl and her beautiful silkie. Wish more people would respond to help her and get her petition signed.
I went and signed. There should be a landslide of signatures! Let's try to keep this child's heart from breaking. All that has to happen is for the city powers to grandfather the bird. How hard is that? They should be thrilled to learn about a responsible 5 year old!

4-H is a terrific program. It should be encouraged and nurtured. 4-Hers do not run around committing crimes. They are not whining. They are busy learning about and being responsible for animals. They are not talking about it, they are DOING it.

The lawmakers need to be made aware!
Thanks everyone for the support! We are applying for a variance on the ordinance for the life of Dallas (until his demise) because there is no grandfather clause. I am amazed and so very grateful for the response supporting our daughter and Dallas! He is such a sweet boy.

We do have permission from the owner of the field that is about 100 feet from our house to put a coop for the silkies there. It is outside of the city limits. However, we'd rather NOT invest into that unless absolutely necessary. Dallas and his flock love their backyard!
The news stations have picked it up as well. Here is a link to the one we interviewed with:

Care2.org is also sending out a newsletter to it's followers as well as having another reporter call me tomorrow. And to think I was hoping for like 20 people to come to the meeting with me... :)
It's nice to know that should the appeal fail, there is at least a workable solution and that Ayla will be able to keep Dallas. Good luck in your continued fight. We chicken-folk can be quite passionate about our charges.
As previously said, they changed the rules while she already has the rooster. How could one sleep at night knowing that they are going to take away a beloved pet from a little girl??
Last summer I had to rehome my beautiful black orp bantam roo Boston, after a neighbor complained. Although he went to a wonderful 4 H show home (thank you Rebecca) it broke my heart. I hate to see that happen to a child. I will sign the petition, good luck with Dallas. OREGONIANS ARISE.
totally agree. it's not her fault they changed the ordinance. please sign, anyone who hasn't already.

Where and how do I sign. For a city to come down on this little girl is ludicrous and an abuse of power. You might want to think about voting them out of office and getting sensible heads on the city council.

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