Dumb fox cub tried to eat terrier...now dead (pic)

N. Virginia :

Here's an update: Got the series of rabies shots (6 the first time, then 1 in 3 day, 1 in 7 days and 1 in 14 days. Total cost: $8,000 +!!! Fortunately insurance has paid most of this. Wonder why it's so expensive. The dogs' shots were under $100 for both boosters. Maybe I should have gone to my vet for the shots!

In any event, I feel fine.

FYI, in researching how to get the foxes to leave my pasture (they have a den that is right where a horse could step), I found that there are ultrasonic scare aways...don't work well, nasty smelling liquids that one can purchase ...don't work well, or, male human urin could do the trick. Now...how do I get my husband to walk down there every day? (joke).


Glad to hear everything went smoothly with the rabies series. Yep, very expensive. But since there is no cure for rabies, still a better thing to do. I agree, vet care would be preferable price-wise.

As for getting cooperation from your husband (
) let me know how you manage that.
I saw two foxes on the back of our property, less than 25 feet from my run last night and DH has flatly refused to cooperate with this type of predator deterrent.​
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I've heard about those shots don't they stick you in your stomach with a big needle. Ouch!! Your brave but its better than turning into a werewolf are something.LOL. Just kidding!!!
If any of you regularly come in contact with potentially rabid animals, you can get pre-rabies shot; basically it cuts dow the amount of shots you have to get after a potential exposure. Best plan - don't shoot/hit the animal in the head (it's the brain that's needed for testing) and have the county sheriff or animal control pick it up and transport to the health dept. for testing. Good idea on the shot series - that was sure abnormal fox behavior.
Wow!!! What a story!

I have been having loses to red fox all spring and summer. We have tried everything to trap or snare them. They are known as the Sly Fox for a reason! We have managed to shoot two, caught in the act, but I hear them every night so we are dealing with many. We will not use poisons, I just can't take the risk. We have wildlife everywhere that is starving because of the Texas Drought. Have not tried the urine, I think I will put my DH and DS's to work on the problem! LOL.

My father is a retired state trapper and he told me he has seen young immature fox act stupid and agressive when he was calling them up. They are trained as kits to fight sibblings for the most food and will actually fight for their prey when it is taken from them. Don't know if this was your instance or not but I agree with everyone the shots and boosters were the safe way to go.

Take care, where there was one there are others.
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Glad to hear everything went smoothly with the rabies series. Yep, very expensive. But since there is no cure for rabies, still a better thing to do. I agree, vet care would be preferable price-wise.

As for getting cooperation from your husband (
) let me know how you manage that.
I saw two foxes on the back of our property, less than 25 feet from my run last night and DH has flatly refused to cooperate with this type of predator deterrent.

My DH goes out in the yard regularly to "water a bush".
Yes - I echo - Something was seriously wrong with that fox! I was married to a professional foxhunter for many years... lived at seveal foxhound kennels... I have never heard a story like that one!

Wow - you give the phrase, "Keep him on a tight leash" all new meaning.
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