Dumor Starter Feed??? Not Medicated???

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
I am probably getting some meat birds this summer but I wasn't sure what to feed them. I know they need a higher protein amount then layers.....and Purina Starter doesn't have enough protein. Dumor Chick Starter has 24% protein but it's not medicated. Dumor is the only feed that has a higher percent of protein but I am worried about it not being medicated. The feed store doesn't have any other types of feed that have a high percent of protein. Do you feed your meat birds medicated chick starter or non-medicated??? Is it okay to feed non-medicated feed to meat birds.....I don't think I can find a medicated meat bird feed???
I've honestly not fed any medicated, and it may bite me in the butt, but no issues yet. The layers have been ,on Dumor since day one (chick starter, then "regular", don't remember the label, but it was Dumor, and now Layer). I had the meaties on the 24%, and have dropped to 20% non medicated grower. They are doing well on it.

Eventually, if I keep doing chickens like this, I might look into vaxxing them, but for now, I follow clean standards, and especially for the meaties, clean up after them frequently.
I don't have meat birds but I have used Dumor Chick Starer for all my chickens and never have any problems because it wasnt medicated. If you feel you need medicated then maybe by the medicated and alternate or mix them together.
Medicated is not an antibiotic but a simple blocker to prevent cocci from overwhelming the chicks immune system. Some use it, some don't. I suppose most do so as not to have problems, while others use it because they have had major losses in the past and wish to prevent it.

Others have had no issues and don't use it. Read up about it and make your own decision. If you want 20% protein or greater, about the only way you'll get that is chick starter and/or flock raiser feed.

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