dumped a bunch of leaves in the run

I put a handful of straw in the quail cage and they act like it is the best present ever! LOL

Birds are easy to amuse.
I as well give them some leaves for play time. They poke around among them for hours, looking for bugs, and caterpillars. After a day or so, I rake them up and move them to the garden or compost, as I don't want my run becoming one big compost pile..
I have leaves bagged up for the winter they are very dry, it is what I use int he coop and the run it keeps them entertained for hours when I dump a fresh batch in, cheaper than shavings and straw.
I throw grass clippings a half-bushel or more at a time in to their run and they jump on them and eat them. I also toss in garden waste and strawberry leaves/stalks which they also eat. There are some weeds that I periodically dig up from shrub beds that they love and love dandelions too. They really love bell-pepper leaves. When I throw the stalks in, the leaves disappear like in time-lapse photography. Leaves from two young oak trees have collected in the lowest corner of the run and they take turns either bedding down in them for a sun nap or rooting thru them for whatever they can find. I am going out there shortly to stake a head of cabbage to the ground for them to peck at and eat. They love their greens and have had them from day 1 when they came to us in a tiny box. Have never fed them store-bought feed only, but have always supplemented with live raw greens.
I empty a couple bags of my grass clippings into the run each mowing. The chickens come running to greet me at the gate when I approach. No worries about grass composting...It doesn't last that long.

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