Dumped ducks...


Mar 30, 2016
At a park with my kids that we don't frequent super often. Has a little manmade lake, etc. Since we were last here, probably 2 wks ago, a new batch of spring ducks has been ditched here. 4 Peking, looks like a Blue Swed, and a couple Rouen. Gorgeous young birds. Then, a smallish Muscovy approached my daughter.......oh guys, if I could catch this little gem I would. My daughter was surprised by how close it came....until I explained that these were not wild, but had been dumped. I've called animal control, etc....sadly, nobody is going to rescue any of them as this is the norm out here after spring babies aren't "entertaining" anymore. "They'll be fine, people will feed then until they move on, etc"....whatever the hell that means. I, myself, cannot handle that number of ducks. Thoughts on attempting to rescue at least one?
Dog X pen one end open with feed far on the side that is closed. May take a few days maybe not but put feed or treats in and stand back and wait as soon as they come inside you close up the end that is open and pick up and take home. Any rescues around where you live? Or run an ad on Craigs list for homes for these poor babies. Have you asked for help on the Cal thread 'where am I where are you"

I have a large net and caught one of my females who followed another drake down to the river where it isn't safe. But I prefer the dog Xpen.
Dog X pen one end open with feed far on the side that is closed. May take a few days maybe not but put feed or treats in and stand back and wait as soon as they come inside you close up the end that is open and pick up and take home. Any rescues around where you live? Or run an ad on Craigs list for homes for these poor babies. Have you asked for help on the Cal thread 'where am I where are you"

I have a large net and caught one of my females who followed another drake down to the river where it isn't safe. But I prefer the dog Xpen.
Excellent suggestions! Unfortunately, due to living in the heart of farm and agriculture of California.....ducks, chickens, and other poultry are pretty much considered expendable so no rescues or sanctuaries that I could find that were even in the slightest interested. It's just a really common occurance up here and people just see it as the norm. I will check out the Cal thread. My issue with putting them on CL is that it's already pretty well stocked with ducks and I live within city limits so I can't foster them in the hopes of finding a home....I watch the same people who list ducklings a few months later listing the same birds as meat birds....for months upon months. It's really sad.
That is very sad. I blame stores that don't even think about what happens to these poor birds once they leave their stores it's all about money . Animals are not things you buy and when you get tired you dump off somewhere.

I stay away from parks and places that have ponds because it is too heart breaking to see all the abandoned duck and geese.

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