Dumped Roosters

They look like Frazzles, which is what happens when you breed two Frizzles. They can end up with brittle feathers, & other issues.
Probably the reason they were ditched.

Would've been kinder for those people to eat them, or rehome them, rather then dumping in a random place.
If they are Frazzles will they regrow their feathers?
I am wondering how these two birds are doing today?
Last year I saved a duck. Someone let it go in a pond that had nothing but Canadian geese living in it. He wouldn’t go into the water because he was scared of the geese. Animal control told me that they tried to get that duck for weeks but couldn’t catch it. I caught it in less than 5 mins. He was kind and let me hold him. He now lives happily with other ducks on a farm. I would have kept him myself but I can’t have ducks until I buy a new house. But that was the first time in my whole life I was ever called a hero. It was nice to feel so useful.
And that’s what you are!! A hero!
@Poultry man123 how are your roosters doing?
They have Started putting on weight and have grown some but not much feathers back and they are starting to explore the area around their coop and they have been showing off to the hens from another flock while they were out free ranging.
they have also met my other rooster Fred (who is half blind) and luckily they stay out of his way. and they have started crowing.
I will upload some pictures once I move them onto my laptop later today.


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