Duramycin-10 dosing


8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Northern Idaho
Ok so I picked up some Duramycin-10 for my chickie babies today. 3 of them have odd looking poop & are pretty sleepy so I am wanting to make sure it isnt Cocci. How much of this do I put in how much water? They are roughly 1wk old.
Im not sure that treating them for something they dont have is a good idea,especially so young. You said the poop looks odd, have you seen poop in it? That is the sure way to know they have Cocci. What kind of food are they on?

I hope someone else will come in with more info.
Yes they are pooping in their water, I give them fresh water 2-3x a day. I know that 1 of the chicks poops alot but it is perfectly round & runny. Anothers poop is foamy. Another has firm parts, but very watery around it. They are on sand, I am moving them to pine shavings tonight and I want to add the duramycin to just in case it is Cocci. They are on medicated chick starter Purina brand, it is the only brand the farm store carries that is medicated.

edited to add info
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Typo... I meant to write -- have you seen Blood in their poop? Sorry.

If you do a search on Cocci you will get a great deal of info on it! There is also a link on normal looking poop, i will try to find it for you.
No there is no blood in their poop. What would cause loose & foamy poop? I had them on sand and someone I met at the farm store that has had chickens for many years said I should get them off the sand. They might be eating to much of it which is then causing the odd poops as the food they are eating is getting "chewed" to much. So they are now on pine shavings. They have fresh food & water. So we will see how they do the next few days.
Their poops look like the cecal poop, but it is every poop not every 8-10. They are sleeping right now, I will go check them out when they wake up and eat as that is when they poop the most. Otherwise they are doing pretty good. Eating tiny peices of pine shavings now. They are worse then my 1yr old son.
Duramycin is not for cocci. Cocci is not a bacteria, it's a protozoan that ravages the intestines and antibiotics will make that damage worse. You would need Corid, which is concentrated Amprolium, if they do indeed have cocci.
Thank you so much, I will not give them any of the Duramycin. I am going to watch their poops now that they are on pine an hope things get better.

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