Dying chicks


6 Years
May 13, 2013
Denham Springs, LA
My Coop
My Coop

I got my first 4 chicks 11 days ago. I am feeding them a cracked corn chicken feed. They seemed happy and energetic, until this morning. Yesterday they were fine, but when I went out to check on them this morning, one had died and another one appeared sick. She had all her feathers puffed out, her head was in close to her body, she was hardly moving, and she was chirping in a whiney way. I picked her up and she didn't move, which they all usually do when I pick them up. She was limp. She died during the day today. I read a lot that sounded like it could have been coccidiosis, but a symptom is bloody poop, which they did not have. The remaining 2 still look happy and energetic. I gave them a snack of banana and grapes and they loved it. I am inside for the night and scared that I will wake up to find them sick as well. Does anyone have any experience like this? They are about 2 months old brown hens. Thank you.
This is the only time I've given them a snack, and mainly it was to see if I could entice the sick one to be active, but it didn't work. I am not familiar with chick feed crumbles. It's chicken feed that they are eating but I know cracked corn is an ingredient.
Chicken that old still need to have a starter grower ,then grower finisher,cracked corn maybe little to heavy on them ,they may not be able to digest ,cracked cor usually is feed for 7months and up ,wish u best :)
A lot of old timers use cracked corn and so forth but I am a believer of giving my chicks chicken starter feed (crumbles). It may well be a disease. I am not an expert by any means so I am just sort of speculating. The action I would take right now is separating any that seem sick from the healthy chicks.
Yes that feed is great. Nice looking birds. I hope they make it. You may want to consider doing a thorough cleaning of their brooder. I wish I could give you better or more informative advice.

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