Dying Turkey?? PLEASE help?


8 Years
Oct 18, 2011
Pine Bush, NY
I have a pet turkey that I really love... symptoms: Severe consistent coughing, open-mouthed breathing, rattling sound, swollen "air-sacs" (think that's what they're called) below eyes, foamy/watery eyes. When I got her she was also very underweight and weak, bad plumage, Very thick discharge (normal clearish "snot" color) from nostrils, and diarrhea with a little blood. Previous owners rec. Sulmet for Coccidia so she was on that for two weeks. Bloody stool cleared up but not other symptoms. Put her on two week course of Duramycin. The thick discharge from beak went away, shes very alert and active, healthy appetite and water intake, better plumage and gaining weight.. but still has awful consistent cough and foamy eyes. The cough seems to have gotten worse if anything. I love her just as much as any pet Ive ever owned so if anyone can help me I'd GREATLY appreciate it.
give her tylan 50 twice a day for a week. give at 1cc for every 10lbs live weight. works like a charm. you can get at most feed stores, or TSC
Thank you very much for the reply! I'll have to try that as her remaining symptoms are really alarming. So Tylan 50 is an injectible right? I've stuck a lot of cats, dogs, and horses... but injecting a bird will be very new! I'm sure I can find information online for that.. but can I ask you how I can figure her body weight? I don't have any sort of scale at home.. and she's very small. Can I guess or approximate her weight (I'd figure only about 2 lbs), or do I need to buy a baby scale or something? Thank you so much again!
Do a search here, I think there have been posts telling how much to use for smaller turkeys. If you inject, don't do an intramuscular shot. Tylan can do permanent muscle damage. But it works great for respiratory problems!
I have started pulling the tylan out with the syringe then removing the needle and shooting the tylan down the turkey throat. If she is is that small I would figure a half cc dose twice a day for a week. She should be fine its good stuff.
Hi Guys! Thanks again... the TSC didn't have the Tylan 50 by me (just Tylan 200)... so I am going a couple towns over in a little bit to go get it. Thanks for the advice on dosing! I like the idea of NOT injecting her much better haha! She's just so little and Im sure her veins are equally little. I will try it like that and start her this evening!
Today she's really no different... foamy eyes, alarming cough (sometimes it sounds super high pitched like her throat is pinched), rattling sound. So hopefully I can get her started tonight! Thank you for asking about her... I'm praying she pulls through, as Im very attached to her and feel extra sensitive to her since she's so little and fragile
A dose tonight will be a great start. I'm pulling for her. I will be watching this thread for an update. Sending good vibes your way.
if you inject tylan into a vein it will send the bird into shock and kill them, it HAS to be injected into a muscle OR given in a treat or down the throat

thats what multiple vets have told me anyway.
Im not talking into a vein... either inject under the skin (I think many people do it at the base of the neck), or like some of us do and inject right into the sinus.

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