E-Bay Peacock egg sellers

DAS,,,,Don't ship ur eggs until that e-chaeck clears,,and notify the buyer their shipment will be delayed until their funds are proved good,,and we know more time equals less that hatch,which will probably make them upset,,and they will leave you negative feedback,,,for their screw up!!
Another thing to watch is a lot of egg sellers are stealing photos from other web sites and selling from that photo to represent their birds,,,,one I just dealt with is bigfishxxxx selling eggs on ebay.. one listing has him is Sterling Hights , Mich. and he had another listing in Macon, Georgia says his feedback is very good,,,,,but I guess his honesty should be questioned. some of his photos are from my web site. No he never replyed or had asked if it was OK to do this. This is the kind of people that make it more difficult for the honest person to be trusted. connerhills
Another thing to watch is a lot of egg sellers are stealing photos from other web sites and selling from that photo to represent their birds,,,,one I just dealt with is bigfishxxxx selling eggs on ebay.. one listing has him is Sterling Hights , Mich. and he had another listing in Macon, Georgia says his feedback is very good,,,,,but I guess his honesty should be questioned. some of his photos are from my web site. No he never replyed or had asked if it was OK to do this. This is the kind of people that make it more difficult for the honest person to be trusted. connerhills

Agreed. Some of them are pretty obvious. If anyone wants to know some of the ID's of the seller I was posting about previously, send me a PM. I'm one of those people who would love to send extra pics of my birds to prove they are mine. I have plenty.

DAS,,,,Don't ship ur eggs until that e-chaeck clears,,and notify the buyer their shipment will be delayed until their funds are proved good,,and we know more time equals less that hatch,which will probably make them upset,,and they will leave you negative feedback,,,for their screw up!!
I've already contacted the buyer and explained to him how things work. No response yet.
George,, I think what you've contributed to peafowl already is unmatchable by many here.But to have your pics stolen and used representing someones elses program(if you can call it that) is infringement on you and your work. I don't know why you or anyone here for that matter could not publicly post these sellers names or ads that use others pics,afterall you DO HAVE PROOF,and would not be liable for anything except exposing a fraud to others.Kinda like the websites Ripoffreport.com or scam.com,,,,I would think BYC Admin would allow this if the accusor shows what was stolen and then used for promoting the other parties sellable goods.
DAS,,at least your waiting thru e-bay and do have some protection if the funds are not good,,but it is still the buyers not having a clue as to the time factor with fertile pea eggs.
Last year a eBay seller from S. Dakota used several of our photos. Stating on the auction site they were his peafowl.
I contacted him and he said, "What difference does it make?"
He said he would not do it again.
But for the next month he used our photos for his auctions.
I contacted eBay, after several phone calls they assured me they would take care of it. But allowed him to use my photos for another two weeks.
Noticed he has two new User ID's this year.

Since eBay foolishly removed the right of sellers to leave neutral or negative feedback buyers have sellers over a barrel and they know it.
They leave feedback only if they want, and often only after they incubate. So the seller is then also evaluated on their incubation of the eggs.
The seller has no contol of the handling during shipping or the buyers incubation. But get evaluated as such anyway.
If the eggs arrive and appear to have been packed well, and delivered to the post office in a timely manner, a seller will get good feedback from me. BUT, I will wait until after a week and the first candling, so that I can mention in the feedback that the eggs are fertile and developing nicely..... as a courtesy to that seller. If none of the eggs are developing, then I will still leave positive feedback, with no mention of the development status.
Last year a eBay seller from S. Dakota used several of our photos. Stating on the auction site they were his peafowl.
I contacted him and he said, "What difference does it make?"
He said he would not do it again.
But for the next month he used our photos for his auctions.
I contacted eBay, after several phone calls they assured me they would take care of it. But allowed him to use my photos for another two weeks.
Noticed he has two new User ID's this year.
Since eBay foolishly removed the right of sellers to leave neutral or negative feedback buyers have sellers over a barrel and they know it.
They leave feedback only if they want, and often only after they incubate. So the seller is then also evaluated on their incubation of the eggs.
The seller has no contol of the handling during shipping or the buyers incubation. But get evaluated as such anyway.
This is the same seller I was talking about. He also claimed, last year, that he had a hatchery. According to SD business records that was a lie as well. I noticed he was using your photos. By the way-you have beautiful birds
Then why not expose them for what they are? Evidently they are missing a few things in their ability to sell peacocks and peafowl eggs,,1) a good camera 2) birds in good enough condition to take pictures of 3) Have a hodge-podge of mixed birds and possibly wanting to capitalize on pure colored stock 4) don't have the computer saavy to take and upload pics on a computer. 5) watch sales of sellers eggs who reach high auction prices and then want the public to believe the pics in their ad even tho stolen will fetch the higher selling prices of the original sellers ad.
I don't see why or any harm that can be done by exposing them for what they are.Granted not all e-bay sellers use this site,,but the serious breeders wanting to expand the knowledge base of breeding and genetics do use BYC,,But I would bet if those stealing others pics and information are exposed here,,then they are made aware of it,the ads will come down faster than anything e-bay will do about it.
One way to prevent this is to watermark all pics you have,I've noticed here that zazouse adds ZAZ on all their pics,,and if you have a website and there is a publicly viewable copyright date on website pages,,,or just one page,,YOUR PICS ARE YOUR POSESSION,,,,period!!
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My 1sy experience buying peacock eggs on Ebay was a total failure. The seller in Scranton, KS shipped the eggs during the hottest week of the Summer. In addition, she failed to notify me that USPS X-RAYs all packages. Of course she refused to refund any money for dead eggs. So buyer BEWARE - especially if it is shipped from Kansas. Never use USPS and never buy from a lady in Kansas - that's what I learned......

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