eagle eye/ i think she is slowly dieing!!! :-(

ok guys i just got home from school and i ran right to the brooding box. she looked the same as last night. she had ate some of the scrambled eggs i gave her this morning. i gave her one dropper full of Pediolight and three droppers full of Gogurt this morning. and when i got home i gave her two droppers of Pediolight and four droppers full of the Gogurt. also one of my hens Sparkle (which i have noticed by watching them is the bottom of the pecking order) had some feathers missing on her back and tail. at first i thought she was just recovering from the molting season but when i was out there today giving the hens corn i could see her skin. is this from the hens pecking at her or more mites? tomorrow i will do the hens. my step dad forgot about our system of powdering one hen at a time while they were locked up and let them all out today and now they are all wet from the rain again! so i wanted to know . . . . . . should i put Sparkle in the brooding box with Eagle Eye? but sparkle isn't as bad as Eagle Eye and i don't want Sparkle to get as bad as Eagle Eye. what do you guys think?
I think you should leave Sparkle where she is since she has not been treated for mites yet. Glad to hear Eagle Eye is hanging in there!
ok i will do the other chickens tomorrow and put Seder shavings in the coop with the dust. before i go to bed i'm going to give her more pediolight and Gogurt.
Hopefully someone else can weigh in on this, but I think I read somewhere that cedar is toxic to chickens?

I'm glad she's eating a little. What is Gogurt, does it have flavors and sugars added in it? I've heard of it but don't know exactly what it is, I'm assuming it's some kind of yogurt?

You're doing a good job just hang in there, we're all pulling for you and Eagle Eye.
We recently had a hen with similar symptoms such as wouldnt eat or drink, very lethargic, and dirty bottom. She was eggbound. We didnt find out until too late. We read to soak her in warm water to see if it will pass. Otherwise you may have to try and remove it yourself if it is an eggbound hen. Just a thought.
yes i have been wondering if she might be egg bound too? and to BWchicken no but thanks for the comment chickens are completely safe around cedar. i have been putting cedar chips in their coop since they were very little. cedar chips actually help the hens. bugs like mites, lice, ect will die around the stench of cedar. the smell clogs the bugs lungs. and how would i get the egg out of her if she is egg bound? i got plastic gloves even before the dust because i thought she was egg bound. can someone please describe to me what egg bound is? i know it means she is clogged up with an egg in her behind but what else? can it kill her if not treated? not that i would let it go untreated though.
oh i almost forgot. BWchicken Gogurt is a kids yogurt often advertised with cartoon characters so kids buy them that is contained in a plastic tube that you squeeze into your mouth much like tooth paste. what i do is squeeze it onto a plate and then use the baby dispenser to then put in her mouth.
if you think she might be egg bound then the treatment is to soak her in a warm bath for 20-30 minutes, do not put her outside until she is completetly dry. then you can put some lub, like olive oil around and in her vent, be gentle, she already does not feel well, you can also gently massage her belly to help move a stuck egg.repeat baths as necessary, they really like a bath, due to her current condition, you will have to support her in a bath

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