EagleClan StreamClan MistClan StormClan ShadowClan*~ a warriors RP

"I knew that rogue was no good." Silverstream hissed to her companions "Goodness, where is Icestar? They should be here by now!"

"Be patient" Sparrowtail whispered "They will be here when we need them."
"Hey Rust," one of the grey rogues called into the cave, "didn't that tom cat we met a few days ago say we needed to meet him somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah," The tabby tom replied. "What was his name, Phoenix-?" He asked.

"Phoenixwing, I think." The grey she-cat replied.

"Funny guy." Rust replied.
That's right." Phoenixwing growled. "I'll send you both to StarClan.

"Don't you dare lay a claw on me or my apprentice!" Hawkfeather bunched her muscles, snarling, and stood protectively in front of Snowpaw. "Snowpaw's right; you shouldn't kill a cat on their own territory or anywhere!. That's breaking the warrior code!" Hawkfeather bristled.
"Don't you dare lay a claw on me or my apprentice!" Hawkfeather bunched her muscles, snarling, and stood protectively in front of Snowpaw. "Snowpaw's right; you shouldn't kill a cat on their own territory or anywhere!. That's breaking the warrior code!" Hawkfeather bristled.
"Do you honestly think we care about some stupid code?" Phoenixwing laughed. "We are StormClan. You nearly destroyed us, this is the revenge we swore on you." His own fur began to bristle as he unsheathed his claws.
"Do you honestly think we care about some stupid code?" Phoenixwing laughed. "We are StormClan. You nearly destroyed us, this is the revenge we swore on you." His own fur began to bristle as he unsheathed his claws.
"We nearly destroyed you, and we'll do it again if we need to." Snowpaw hissed, crouching beside Hawkfeather.
"Hey Rust," one of the grey rogues called into the cave, "didn't that tom cat we met a few days ago say we needed to meet him somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah," The tabby tom replied. "What was his name, Phoenix-?" He asked.

"Phoenixwing, I think." The grey she-cat replied.

"Funny guy." Rust replied.

A rustle in the bushes made Ravenclaw jump, he whipped around, unsheathing his claws before he realized the stranger was Rainwhisker. Behind the grey warrior stood Rowanclaw, Ryewhisker, Thornclaw, Sunfur, Willowpaw and Redpaw. "Whats going on?" Sunfur hissed.

Sparrowtail explained everything, from them seeing the kit and following the rogues. "Heres the plan:" In a few short minutes he shared the plan with his clanmates and made sure they understood what their jobs were.

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