EagleClan StreamClan MistClan StormClan ShadowClan*~ a warriors RP

"The prey is plentiful despite the heat and little rain and the rivers have plenty of fresh water." Ending her report she stepped back to let another leader take her place, mentioning nothing about Sandstreak's imprisonment and Ravenclaw going after her.
Phoenixstar stepped forward "StormClan is recovering after Stormstar's exile, the prey is good despite the heat and drought. We have 4 new apprentices, who are with us right now, and 3 new kits."
Snowpaw sprung eagerly to the other side of the clearing despite being rather tired, and spun around to face Foxpaw. Foxpaw moved more slowly, but seemed to appreciate the chance to move around a bit more. Snowpaw crouched down and hissed challengingly, her haunches swaying from side to side. Foxpaw copied her couch and hissed at her, then began moving in a slow circle. Snowpaw mirrored his moves and the pair circled each other, waiting to strike.
(Okay, I'll just write up what happens and then it can be over)

Foxpaw and Snowpaw circled each other several times, hissing and lashing their tails. It almost seemed that niether of them were willing to attack the other, but in the end it was Foxpaw who made the first move. He darted forwards and bunched his muscles to spring on top of her, as soon as Snowpaw began to rear up to intercept him, he dropped into a crouch and slid under her. Snowpaw grunted in surprise as he thrust his hind paws into her belly and flung her halfway across the clearing.

Snowpaw used her tail to held her twist in the air so that she landed on her feet several metres away. Instead of waiting to catch her breath, she charged at Foxpaw and took the unexpecting tom completely by surprise. Hooking her front paw around his she tripped him and knocked him down with her shoulders, the extra training had made her stronger then he realized. As he fell, she pounced on his back and pinned him to the ground on his belly, locking her claws into the ground on either side of him.

But Foxpaw wasn't completely out of tricks, he twisted violently to the side so that instead of being pinned down on his belly, he was on his back with all four paws raised at Snowpaw. He locked them around her and rolled, ripping her claws from the ground with his greater size and strength. The pair of apprentices rolled across the clearing, a writhing, screeching ball of fur as both cats fought to get a hold on each other. Foxpaw cuffed Snowpaw across the head and she responded by biting down on his paw, forgetting that it was only a mock fight. The pair cannoned into a rock on the edge of the clearing and broke apart, tumbling in opposite directions. When they got back to their feet, both of their pelts were marked with blood and grim. Snowpaw's ear was split open at the top and Foxpaw was limping slightly on his wounded paw.

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