EagleClan StreamClan MistClan StormClan ShadowClan*~ a warriors RP

Yes, my poor computer is on it's last legs. It overheats, crashes, freezes. *Pats pooter*
His replacement well be here soon enough, though. Thank goodness.

Anyways, you can put your possums down, here is the clan! Sorta. :D
There will probably be more to add later.


There is a valley, hidden away by dense pines and brambles, it's sides split with rough outcroppings of stone.
Within in it's confines, dwells Shadowclan. Their territory is consists of steep rock niches and walls,
sky-scraping pines and merciless underbrush. They are secretive, and ruthless in upholding their privacy and guarding their borders.Their name alone carries with it enough weight to fend of the majority of offenders; Brutality, unprovoked war, etc.They follow the code, although at times they bend it to suit whatever agenda they have. Whenever they feel it necessary. Snakes, lizards and small rodents are on Sc's menu. The area rewards them well with it's bounty and variety.

Leader: Ashstar
Ash's coat is as grey as his namesake, satiny and short.
His eyes are silver-blue, features fine and body long and muscular.

Deputy: Threeeyes
A large tabby, orange and bulky in appearance, a ghastly wrapped around the left side of his face and neck.
He is the mate of Lilypetal, and father of Lilypaw.

Medcat: Marrowcaw
An aged cat, once lustrous black fur now thinning and turning brown and gray. She is one of the more mild tempered cats of Sc,
although in her day she was a merciless warrior, with many scars to prove it.


Wolfheart- A small tiger-striped cat with bright green eyes and a short, smug looking face. He has seen many battles and has
been with Sc a long while.

Briarclaw- A wily Maine coon; built like tree he uses his strength and size well, more or less a cat bulldozer.

Snowshort- A long haired mix, she is pure white with a little splotch of gray on her tail tip. Snow is more of a planner than an
actual warrior, organizing and sending out patrols with Threeeyes.

Sunguard- A spotted grey cat with yellow eyes. He is one of the main hunters when not preforming other duties.

Pumpkinear- A large orange cat, missing the tops of both of his ears to a fire; with his ears rounded and coat orange, most can see where he got the name.

Boartusk- A half Bengal with a rotten temper. She is large and wild, always looking for a fight.

Berryfoot- A striped copper coated cat, he is medium in size with short, powerful legs.


Northpaw- Son of Briarclaw and Boartusk, just became an apprentice. Large and a mix between both parents, keeping his father's thick coat and mother's speckling. He has fawn eyes and a twin.

Lilypaw- The only surviving kit of Lilypetal and Threeeyes, she has crystal blue eyes and her mother's coat.

Greenpaw- A light grey cat with green eyes.

Talonpaw- A silver spotted she cat.

Firepaw- A copper eyed version of Northpaw; son of Briarclaw and Boartusk.


Fernbone- A Siamese mix, ruthless adviser to Ash and was the same with the star before. He old, very old.

Larkwind- A Russian blue, a veteran warrior, she still joins in now and again.


Lilypetal- A cheeky Siamese. Her coat is always perfect, glossy and fine; eyes crystal blue and innocent.



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No, Gerbil told me that she was going to be getting her Clan soon. I also read that her computer is on the fritz. I will not allow another Clan to join at this point unless 1) A Clan is deleted or 2) Gerbil gives up her reservation. THEN, I have to ask my friend IMMASHEIK (who sent in her Clan after Gerbil, I had to decline her, but I promised her that if Gerby canceled her reservation, then she could have the spot if she still wanted it) if she still wants her Clan. If she says no, THEN RainClan can join.
IMMASHEIK is never online anyways, theres not much point in giving her a Clan anyways. And Owl and LL seem to have disappeared, StormClan and MistClan are pretty much dead.
Yes, but I know her as a friend, and if I ask her about it next time I go to see her, maybe she'll come back if she could have her own Clan. I'm not sure about Owl, but I will PM her and ask if she still wants her leadership in StormClan. And LL98 is in the middle of moving to a new house, so, yeah. That kinda says it all.
Snowfur looked ready to agree, but then stopped and glanced at the sun. "I'd like to but I'm due on the evening patrol and they'll be wondering where I am. Maybe tomorrow then?"

"Sure, Snowfur," Hawkfeather nodded understandingly. "I'm going to go hunting for a little while. See ya!" She trotted out of the clearing and went deeper into the woods.
Yes, but I know her as a friend, and if I ask her about it next time I go to see her, maybe she'll come back if she could have her own Clan. I'm not sure about Owl, but I will PM her and ask if she still wants her leadership in StormClan. And LL98 is in the middle of moving to a new house, so, yeah. That kinda says it all.
I just moved

I don't think you should give a Clan to someone who's never online, thats really defeating the purpose of trying to have an active RP IMO.
"Sure, Snowfur," Hawkfeather nodded understandingly. "I'm going to go hunting for a little while. See ya!" She trotted out of the clearing and went deeper into the woods.
"See you!" Snowfur called after her, waiting until she was gone before heading back to camp. As she got closer, and noticed that it was unusually quiet. She couldn't even hear Shimmerpaw and Skypaw arguing about something, and she knew they were in camp. Ducking through the reed tunnel, she peered into the camp and was puzzled by what she saw. Her Clanmates were quiet and withdrawn, huddled in small groups and talking quietly amongst themselves. Willowpelt and Shadepelt looked up as she walked into the camp, their gazes were sad and grieving and they looked back down as she made eye contact.

As more cats noticed that she had returned, Sparrowtail approached her. He drew her aside and bent down to say something in her ear, Snowfur swallowed, what was going on? "Whats going on?" She asked before he could speak "What happened?"

"The dawn patrol was attacked this morning." He said slowly and gently. "Stormstar and a bunch of rogues."

Snowfur gaped at him, she didn't need to hear anymore-- she knew Foxshadow and Thornclaw (her brother and father) had been on that patrol. She sprinted towards the medicine cat den, only then noticing that Thornclaw was sitting half inside, half outside the den. If he was fine, then that only left Foxshadow. "Where is he?" She murmured to her father, touching noses quickly with him.

"Inside, he was asking for you earlier." He said, his voice raw with grief, it wasn't long ago that he lost his mate, Cherrytail. And now he was losing his son as well.

Suddenly, Snowfur felt very heavy. Her fur seemed to weight 100lbs as she walked through the wide den entrance. Foxshadow was lying on his side near the side of the den, closest to where Brambleberry and Sorreltail slept. His reddish brown fur was hanging in clumps off his body where the cobwebs didn't cover, and his eyes were closed. "Foxshadow..." She breathed, crossing the den quickly to bend down beside him.

"S-Snowfur..." His eyes flickered open.

She gently licked his cheek, like she had done when they were young. "Shh, don't speak. Save your energy."

He twitched his head, which she assumed was him shaking it. "StarClan is calling me, Snowfur. I-I can hear them."

"No!" She cried, pressing her nose into his fur and exhaling heavily, trying to breath some of her life into him. "I need you Foxshadow, I can't lose you too!"

Foxshadow opened his mouth to reply, but only a thin trickle of blood came out. "I love you..." He rasped, his voice hardly loud enough for even Snowfur to hear. She rested her head on his flank, which was growing colder with every breath he took. Each breath was slower and shallower, and slowly they stopped altogether. He was dead.
As she walked at a brisk pace, a slight breeze ruffling her fur, Hawkfeather felt something twinge deep inside her. Sadness? Anger? She couldn't tell. After about half an hour, Hawkfeather had caught a reasonable catch of one rabbit, a starling and several voles and mice. She headed back to camp, the prey dangling in her jaws. As Hawkfeather stepped through the bramble tunnel and into the clearing, there was an ominous silence. Her perkiness contradicted the solemn attitude of her Clanmates as Hawkfeather padded over to the fresh-kill pile and deposited her prey.
She could smell Snowfur's scent from within the medicine cat den, along with Foxshadow's and the faint but growing scent of death.
Is Foxshadow...dead?

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