Early guesses on my bonus chick from Mcmurray.


7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
Here is my mystery bird on day one. very clean crisp chipmunk lines, Very dark brown, almost black stripe on it's back- darker than normal chipmunk lines.
On it's head is a perfect little brown triangle with a black outline, then a white outline, then the cream color on most of the face.

Partridge colored feathers starting to come in

See below how the brown spot on the head ends in the back.

look at that cute little face!

I got this bird as a "Bonus Mystery Chick" from mcmurray hatchery.
They say it is typically one listed in the rare breeds.

Possibilities: Feel free to correct me on the list, I only left the ones who had chipmunk or similar babies on google results.

I am fairly certain I have either a Silver Gray Dorking or a Phoenix. What do you think?
If it's a dorking, it's a girl, right?

What did your bonus chick end up being and was it under their list of rare breeds?
Oh, and I should add, in the lower pictures the bird is a little scruffy, this is because I was cleaning off some pasty butts and my hands were wet when I was handling them. her lines are typically very straight and concise.
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I'm thinking it might be a Dark Cornish. This is an old pic of my Dark Cornish chick from Mc Murray. What color are it's legs? Can you tell what kind of comb it has?

Update pics!
Here are some pictures of the mystery chicken at 2.5 weeks.

Still guessing on both breed and gender.

Here's the comb, looks like a single comb and it looks like it might be a larger one.

The feet are, I dunno, Kinda greenish, but not so green as an Easter Egger and not uniform in color, they're sort of splotchy.

Has a very long neck, but normal looking legs. Might be a smaller bird but could also just be a day or two younger than the rest of the flock since I ordered online.
I don't think it's a Dark Cornish. The legs should be yellow and the comb should be a pea comb. Your chick has a single comb and greenish brown splotchy legs.

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