Early hatching..help?

Coturnix quails hatch in between day 16 and 18, mine hatched a week ago and some hatched at day 16 but most of them hatched at 17, it might be that its a bit too hot but it shouldnt be big problem, sometimes eggs closer to the heat source will hatch sooner than the ones furthest away, but I dont think its something you should worry about a lot as long as they seem to be doing ok. Good LUCK
They Will Hatch Anywhere From 16 Thru 18... If They Continue To Chronically Hatch Early You May Be A Tad High On Temp As This Will Cause Them To Hatch A Little Sooner
I got up this morning and 25 have hatched so far, a couple are wet so they are still hatching. I also could be counting the days wrong since I counted day one 24 hours after I set them. If that was the case they would have started a couple of hours before day 17. If not then they are one day early. On what day do you guys give up as far as eggs not hatching.

The heat looks good there spread around nicely, my only observation is with them running around playing and bumping the unhatched eggs how in the world do the unhatched eggs have a chance with all that commotion.

On a positive note all hatched chicks look good and none have died.
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Haha, your lucky, I just had a LATE hatch. 3 hatched on day 19 and 29 hatched on day 20 and 21

I guess my temp was a little low (NEW THERMOMETER)

I give up on day 22. I've had about 3 hatch on day 21 so I let them go until day 22 then pull the plug.

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