Easiest duck breed to dress


11 Years
Dec 3, 2008
I processed a few cayugas, and it was a hit or miss experience. Some of them dressed nicely, but most had these black quills that are impossible to remove. So I would spend like three hours just plucking a duck.

Is pekin easy to pluck? Any other suggestions?
Did you use wax? Wax is supposed to be really helpful removing the pin feathers. Otherwise, try Pekins. They're larger and are very popular as a meat duck.
I can tell you I got really confused with what were pin feathers and what were really the broken ends of down feathers. I butchered some ducks at 7-9 weeks and encountered the broken down feathers then I did one at 10 weeks and discovered what pin feathers on a duck really were. I had seen pin feathers in chickens before but this stuff was literally like armor. I ended up skinning that duck.

I'm not sure when you processed yours and if you encountered the pin feathers or the down feathers but I learned that I had all the broken down feathers because my hot water wasn't reaching the skin as well on their front and the small down feathers were breaking as I plucked rather then coming out. I found this out just by chance when I had a really good scald and the duck plucked amazingly clean. Unfortunately I can't recreate that scenario without almost cooking the skin or having the skin rip. But butchering at 7-9 weeks and making sure that water gets to base of those small down feathers on the chest, is the trick to plucking a duck cleanly without wax. imho the wax is way more trouble than it's worth.
I remember reading in somebody's post awhile back, what the perfect ages are for processing ducks, they said it made a huge difference in plucking. I don't know from personal experience, I haven't yet processed a duck. The Whiz-Bang pluckers are supposed to be great for ducks and geese, as well as chickens and turkeys.

A little dish-soap in the scalding water might help get past the oils on the feathers for a better scald.

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