Easiest way to Cull a chick?


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I have a chick that has a prolapsed rectum or something seriously wrong with it's insides near it's vent, but it looks prolapsed in there. Its in a serious amount of pain and I just don't want it to suffer anymore. I have never had to cull/kill a chick this small so I want to know what the best/easiest way to do it is? I just don't want it to suffer.
thanks for the help.
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Bleenie - I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.
I've never had to cull a chick, but I've read posts on this site that say the easiest and quickest way is a sharp pair of shears. That's the method I believe I would use. Best of luck to you.....
So sorry to hear you're having to do this. I have never culled a chick, but I know that people do cull chickens by simply pulling their head off. I know it could sound gruesome, but with a chick this might be an easy enough way and you will know that she will die instantly. You will, however, have to prepare yourself I am sure.
I'm so sorry you have to do this; I have had to do this a few times, I've used a couple different methods and it is never pleasant.

My method of choice is to use a sharp kitchen knife (a stump outside serves as cutting board/chopping block) and remove the head as quickly as possible. Shears would accomplish the same feat, I just don't have any sharp enough to do the job cleanly. With this method I know the chick is instantly out of pain and no longer suffering.
I have a really hard time culling a chick. Best method for me, was to put in bag and run it over. I have a much easier time proccessing adults , chicks its just hard.

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