East RIver - South Dakota

Putting some eggs on lockdown tomorrow!!

Hope can pull off raising chicks through the winter like I am seeing it in my mind. Extra heat lamps, no wind, heated water fountains... I think I am prepared enough.

Have some Isbars, French black copper marans, americaunas, and crested cream leg bars. All looked good on day 14 candle.

Still months behind after the mink disaster but I hope the extra effort pays off.

My olive egger project was very successful. I have some very good shades of green going. I'm hoping with gen 2 I can get them an even deeper color.
Putting some eggs on lockdown tomorrow!!

Hope can pull off raising chicks through the winter like I am seeing it in my mind.  Extra heat lamps, no wind, heated water fountains... I think I am prepared enough.

Have some Isbars, French black copper marans, americaunas, and crested cream leg bars.  All looked good on day 14 candle.

Still months behind after the mink disaster but I hope the extra effort pays off.

My olive egger project was very successful.  I have some very good shades of green going.  I'm hoping with gen 2 I can get them an even deeper color.

If you have any spare black copper Marans this spring, let me know. I've been looking for some since I lost my marans cock and two of my marans hens last winter.

Edtied to say that I've raised some chicks over winter last year. They did just fine, I had them in our unheated shop with two lamps and they did just fine. It's only having to keep them in the brooder longer than normal that is sort of frustrating. They want to start flying out and make a bigger mess once they are larger. I didn't even have to use a water heater, I just put the waters near the lamps.
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Does anyone on this thread have any Cayuga ducks? Or know someone who does? I've got three "elite show quality" drakes from holderread, but I lost 2 of the 5 ducklings I ordered, I bet those were the girls :/

I'd be interested in either a few ducklings or two hens.
Mine have started to lay good again as well!! I'm almost worried how many eggs I will have when spring is here.

Does anyone nearby have silkies? If a hen sets I'd like to see if I can hatch out some silkies

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