East RIver - South Dakota

Whitetailfeather started a Facebook poultry sales/swap page someone on there has silkies for sale.

I know what you mean about all the eggs, this is the second year I'm getting pullets starting late winter. I keep being surprised with how many I'm getting to early in the year. But I'm lucky to have an outlet to support my poultry obsession. We have some American guinea hogs, so I hard boil and give my extras eggs to feed to them, then we don't have to buy them commercial hog feeds.

Edited because autocorrect wanted to call pullets, pullers lol
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I horsed around in these forums about three years ago and only just now checked back in. Surprised to find folks from South Dakota in here. I thought I am the only one, and I am west river. Came originally here to learn [and I did], although a very special rooster taught me what I really needed to know.

Does anyone here know if there are any rejected roosters - preferably old, abused, sick and disabled ones - available anywhere in the southwest corner of SD? If so where I can find them [I can do only limited driving in my area]?
And they need to be bantams - I have very limited indoor space but plenty of outdoors space.

Thanks for your time and consideration, anyone

Hi birdfreak, yep there are other South Dakotans on here
. There is actually a west river - South Dakota thread if you want to chat with people even closer to you. Not that you aren't welcome to chat here too. I only keep large fowl at the moment. You just enjoy keeping Banty cocks as pets?
Thank you, our cats and dogs get the extras, Or I feed them back to the chickens.

Thanks for the info about the fb page.

Your cats eat the eggs? Mine are fussy and turn up their nose at most things. But I do give some to the dogs on their food. They, unlike the kitties, are very excited to get them. One will help me find eggs laid on the ground, and the other will just eat them quick if he finds them lol
Hi Jessica,

I haven`t found the west river thread, am on a dino dial-up connection - it either doesn`t work at all or with great difficulty.

No, I don`t keep bantam roosters as pets, at least I didn't intend to.
Stuff just happens and I try to roll with the punches best I can. When "it" happens it rearranges my plans.
Dusky Rufous Brave Heart, the little bantam rooster who came to me injured in the middle of a snow storm, lived with me only 2 1/2 years, he voluntarily showed up, seemed to know why.
Then I had to leave him with good neighbors and their small bantam flock while I had to leave home for several months. Not my plan either.
DR died suddenly at the neighbors` [I think he was an old man] and I miss him immensely!
I will be picking up a tiny disabled hen DR had bonded with, along with Phoenix, son of the neighbors` rooster, Papa Percy. Just have to wait another few weeks because my coop is not winterized. Phoenix is a healthy young bird, something I am unaccustomed to caring for.

My heart is with the suffering, injured, disabled, sorrowing/grieving, unwanted....just how I am wired.
I feel this way about humans as well as animals. Not really a popular notion but I am sticking to it.
My background is working as a bird rehabilitator, doing severely ill and injureds and reject species [not in SD, there is no such thing here] within a wildlife rehabilitation organization.
Therefore my bent looking for more rejects, it is almost a reflex with me....

Thank you, our cats and dogs get the extras, Or I feed them back to the chickens.

Thanks for the info about the fb page.

My barn cats and chickens split our eggs too! My husband and I don't go through enough eggs between the two of us and none of hired men have taken me up on helping themselves to the eggs free choice. I am glad to see I am not the only one!

Also, just saying hi! I am new to BYC and also located East River SD. Nice to meet you all!
Hi Jessica,

I haven`t found the west river thread, am on a dino dial-up connection - it either doesn`t work at all or with great difficulty.

No, I don`t keep bantam roosters as pets, at least I didn't intend to.
Stuff just happens and I try to roll with the punches best I can. When "it" happens it rearranges my plans.
Dusky Rufous Brave Heart, the little bantam rooster who came to me injured in the middle of a snow storm, lived with me only 2 1/2 years, he voluntarily showed up, seemed to know why.
Then I had to leave him with good neighbors and their small bantam flock while I had to leave home for several months. Not my plan either.
DR died suddenly at the neighbors` [I think he was an old man] and I miss him immensely!
I will be picking up a tiny disabled hen DR had bonded with, along with Phoenix, son of the neighbors` rooster, Papa Percy. Just have to wait another few weeks because my coop is not winterized. Phoenix is a healthy young bird, something I am unaccustomed to caring for.

My heart is with the suffering, injured, disabled, sorrowing/grieving, unwanted....just how I am wired.
I feel this way about humans as well as animals. Not really a popular notion but I am sticking to it.
My background is working as a bird rehabilitator, doing severely ill and injureds and reject species [not in SD, there is no such thing here] within a wildlife rehabilitation organization.
Therefore my bent looking for more rejects, it is almost a reflex with me....

It's always hard to lose one, no matter how long you've had them or how many more you have. That's fantastic that you have the know-how and desire to take care of injured birds. Hopefully you will enjoy the young cockeral despite him being healthy ;). Or maybe you'll find someone with an injured one who needs you and you can trade cocks. Will you keep the disabled hen by herself so she isn't bothered by a healthy cockeral?

I found the West River Thread for you since I have faster internet LOL. Maybe you can get on there and see if anyone has any disabled birds for you. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/643257/calling-all-west-river-south-dakotans

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