Easter Egger club!

I'm starting to see some of Daisy's feathers on the coop floor and I think I've seen a few outside too. Looks like she is going into an early molt after all (she's around 8 months). I wasnt expecting this until next year, lol.

My EE girl went through a molt in August, at about 9 months old - along with her BSL brood sister who is exactly the same age. Both stopped laying for about a month, then picked up again and have been pretty consistent since.
I posted this elsewhere, but wanted more opinions before we send our EE to a new home. I'm fairly certain this 8 week old is a roo, but would like 100% confirmation. It has not crowed yet. If anyone has pics of their roo the same age, I'd appreciate it!
I posted this elsewhere, but wanted more opinions before we send our EE to a new home. I'm fairly certain this 8 week old is a roo, but would like 100% confirmation. It has not crowed yet. If anyone has pics of their roo the same age, I'd appreciate it!

Cameras and internet photos are not always true to color. But the way to tell the pullets from cockerels is usually the deepening rosy-ness of cockerel combs and the pale pinkish comb of the pullets. My avatar is a 5-mo-old Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and her comb is very pale. If she were a cockerel her comb would be much deeper red - if this helps you any.
The pullets combs are very pale, one straight line and much thinner. This ones comb is much wider and has been pink since 5 weeks. Their feather pattern also does not have the rust splotches and they are not aggressive like Chick Norris (yes that is what my husband name it).
The pullets combs are very pale, one straight line and much thinner. This ones comb is much wider and has been pink since 5 weeks. Their feather pattern also does not have the rust splotches and they are not aggressive like Chick Norris (yes that is what my husband name it).

Here's a site that shows how to tell a roo from a hen in 2-mo-old chicks - there's an EE on there if it helps you.

They will not get darker, and in fact they may lighten just a touch as the eggs get biggger as she gets to regular laying but that is a beautiful egg! Isn't it funny that we have the fun and amazing fortune to have eggs of many colors and we think "oh only if I could fine tune that color" I did the same thing at first with mine that lays green eggs "oh I wish they were just a touch brighter" then I thought .....self, this egg making business is a pretty cool thing anyway and a unique colored egg is even cooler, quit trying to improve on amazing nature.

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