Easter Egger club!

This is her dad ,a blue favaucana




Odd question, with the peacock, can he breed a chicken? I was thinking of getting one as my rooster if he can't.... Thanks in advance
First blue egg! Yay! I wasn't sure what to expect out of my girl but I was hoping for at least a green egg. Pleasantly surprised!
Have you guys found that your eggs change color? Spider-girl's eggs started off blue and now are green. Is that normal? Her sister was broody then molted so she hasn't laid in a while. Have nothing to compare it too. My 2 CCL have pretty much shut down for the winter
Have you guys found that your eggs change color? Spider-girl's eggs started off blue and now are green. Is that normal? Her sister was broody then molted so she hasn't laid in a while. Have nothing to compare it too. My 2 CCL have pretty much shut down for the winter

My EE started up again with her normal turquoise eggs and then out of the blue...a sage green egg! LOL. Considering all my other birds are brown/tan layers...it was 100% her. Then the next day, back to turquoise.

If they lay any shade of green, even the slightest, it's due to that brown membrane being applied over a blue shell and just like any brown layer, you can get lighter shades or darker shades. Just wasn't something I expected from her!

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