Easter Egger club!

Also if a bird gets injured that makes a red spot so the others peck, on several threads Blue Kote is a life saver, and if birds peck her you will know as it dyes their beaks. Heres a link to a thread just on the stuff. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/4619/blue-kote 

Thank you! I am definitely going to check out the Blue Kote thread. I'm such a nerd, I just love my chickens & so want everyone to be happy!!!
I just got 2 EE's today from the feed store (Ideal Hatchery). I chose the fluffiest faces I could find...

This one is much darker in person, I stayed away from the really light ones as I have seen so many end up being cockerels.

The darker one


They're so active and absolutely adorable
if those two aren't just about the cutest things around!
I bought my first EE the other day. The bin said pullets. This one was the only one like it in the bin. I just had to have her! She is so sweet too and since I only bought one I allowed her to sit in my lap for the drive home. She joins the brooder of 3 at 3 weeks old (a cuckoo maran and 2 BA's) and one SLW a few days older. She fit right in with the others and she's thriving. She's already been outside 2 warm days and loves to Peck around.

Now I read the post above about the light ones being roos.. Yikes! I hope not. That would crush me. I can't have one in town. I'll fall in love and have to rehome! :/

Her she is. Not named yet as I don't have a clue what color she might grow up to be.
Anyone with a guess? And do all EEs get bearded? She doesn't have puffy cheeks. But she does have a pea comb.

I bought my first EE the other day. The bin said pullets. This one was the only one like it in the bin. I just had to have her! She is so sweet too and since I only bought one I allowed her to sit in my lap for the drive home. She joins the brooder of 3 at 3 weeks old (a cuckoo maran and 2 BA's) and one SLW a few days older. She fit right in with the others and she's thriving. She's already been outside 2 warm days and loves to Peck around.

Now I read the post above about the light ones being roos.. Yikes! I hope not. That would crush me. I can't have one in town. I'll fall in love and have to rehome!

Her she is. Not named yet as I don't have a clue what color she might grow up to be.
Anyone with a guess? And do all EEs get bearded? She doesn't have puffy cheeks. But she does have a pea comb.

Not all are bearded and not all light ones are roosters.

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