Easter Egger club!

That's awesome having a dog that will be good with the chickens. We have a dachshund that I don't trust with our 9 week old chicks, I'm hoping that when they get older and bigger than him he won't be so interested in them any more. ;-) On a side note is it normal for them to lose feathers? They all seem perfectly healthy and happy but there are feathers all around the run. No bald spots either. Being worrisome, new chicken mamma.

I have a doxie too. Hoping she will learn not to chase them.


I think my EE is a Roo
I love that your dog plays with your chickens. I have a lab who is fascinated by them, but I don't trust her to interact with them. Maybe when my dog gets a little older...(she's 18 mos).
We also are lucky so far to have dogs that are good with our chickens. We have a 6 year old German Shepard that follows them around for the gifts they leave. He's good at herding him away from places we don't want them to be too. My daughter has a 1 1/2 year old Pit that is quite good with them as well.

We are very careful though and don't leave them unsupervised but for very short times at this point. I want to be very sure I can trust the dogs before leaving them alone for long. I love to have the dogs out with them though if I need to run inside for any reason. The hawks seem to move on faster and my Shepard won't let a cat or any other kinds of birds that aren't part of the family with the exception of very small ones in the yard.

We've always had house birds so he learned at a young age how to tell a family bird from an intruding bird.
I have a Cairn Terrier, like Toto but beige, who is scared to death of chickens thanks to her charging at them last year but the electric net got her on the nose. Both times!! One year later she runs from my birds, they bite. lolol!! Does anyone have a hound that does well with their flock?? Terra getting up there and I in my crazy mind want a corgi and a bloodhound,not mix both .
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My English mastiff does well with my birds, but it took a little training. I used a low volt shock collar any time she was overly attentive. She doesn't know I control the collar so she thinks running,jumping, and barking around birds hurts. It took 3 sessions about 30 min each for her to get the point, 2 or 3 more sessions with firm voice commands to remind her, and now she is very calm around the flock. She also acts as a guardian dog now but that is just in her breed, mastiffs don't like intruders.
Fester, my nine or ten week cockerel. ( I need more coffee) He will not crow if camera is on him!!!!!
He is handsome! We just culled a cockerel that looked similar, with less white, more black. He was by far my favorite. He turned completely evil though, almost overnight once the hormones kicked in. I wanted to keep him for breeding but I couldn't justify it with his personality, it wasn't worth him passing it down.
Slipswife Thank You!! He is my first guy in my flock. Fester is being watched carefully. he charges at me or hubby n we snatch him up and walk around with him. He has once.I hope he doesn't turn nasty or guess what s for dinner.
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