Easter Egger club!

Alright, so, I've got a problem with Bourbon the rooster, in the fact that he is an absolute TERROR to my flock and other roosters. I love his coloring and I'd like to get pretty babies from him, but I can't have a jerk of a rooster, considering all of my others are sweet as pie. He doesn't try to flog people, just other birds. Thoughts or suggestions? I'd just put him in the other coop we have, but we have some new OEGB that are being quarantined atm and they're using it. So... Would anyone like take/buy him? If he's not gone soon, he's going to go in the pot, and I think it'd be a waste to cull such a pretty boy...

As pretty as he might be, I'd put him in the pot. I wouldn't want to pass his "terror" gene on to next generations. I'm a newbie to chickens, but not to dog breeding.
As pretty as he might be, I'd put him in the pot. I wouldn't want to pass his "terror" gene on to next generations. I'm a newbie to chickens, but not to dog breeding.

Yes, I agree, aggressive roosters are very dangerous. especially if there are yough children around. people have been seriously injured by roosters, and I have heard of yough children losing eyes to an aggressive rooster. If you really like his color, you could always save his feathers when you pluck him, or if you are feeling really extravagant, you could skin him. Hope this helps.
Alright, so, I've got a problem with Bourbon the rooster, in the fact that he is an absolute TERROR to my flock and other roosters. I love his coloring and I'd like to get pretty babies from him, but I can't have a jerk of a rooster, considering all of my others are sweet as pie. He doesn't try to flog people, just other birds. Thoughts or suggestions? I'd just put him in the other coop we have, but we have some new OEGB that are being quarantined atm and they're using it. So... Would anyone like take/buy him? If he's not gone soon, he's going to go in the pot, and I think it'd be a waste to cull such a pretty boy...

I hate to have to agree with the bad news of those before me here,,,,,

BUT picking a rooster should be more than just looks. Personality and behavior has to play into the decision to keep a rooster, for me.

I had a rooster kind of like yours, I think. He was a very colorful bird pretty hackles , a white on black bird with trim colors. A nice looking EE. He is no longer with us.

He never bothered us ( humans) he was stand offish and did not like to be held. He was mean to every other bird I had. He even attempted to take on Brutus, my head rooster then. Brutus banned him from his coop, and he moved into the other coop. He would harass the hens, the turkey hens and even the guineas!

I hated to get rid of him but I did not want any other acting like him. He refused to even let me catch him. I was forced to shoot him and clean him like a wild game bird.

The flock became much more cohesive without him. I do not regret having to eat him, other than he was very tough to chew. I figure that is because I had to chase him to get a safe shot at him or because he was so testosterone loaded his meat was bad.
Alright, so, I've got a problem with Bourbon the rooster, in the fact that he is an absolute TERROR to my flock and other roosters. I love his coloring and I'd like to get pretty babies from him, but I can't have a jerk of a rooster, considering all of my others are sweet as pie. He doesn't try to flog people, just other birds. Thoughts or suggestions? I'd just put him in the other coop we have, but we have some new OEGB that are being quarantined atm and they're using it. So... Would anyone like take/buy him? If he's not gone soon, he's going to go in the pot, and I think it'd be a waste to cull such a pretty boy...
I personally would separate him until spring, hatch some of his eggs and cull him afterwards. Just because his personality is unwanted does not mean his chicks will be the same way. You might find one of his chicks to be exactly the opposite and still keep those genes around.
I personally would separate him until spring, hatch some of his eggs and cull him afterwards. Just because his personality is unwanted does not mean his chicks will be the same way. You might find one of his chicks to be exactly the opposite and still keep those genes around.
I think I might actually do this. I have some Ameraucana chicks in the brooder right now, and I'm hoping at least one will be a rooster. Once it's confirmed, Bourbon is gone. I'll see if I can't get a few good looking chicks from him, because I love his chest feathers as it's the beginning of some edging/lacing even if it's messy. I'd really like to make some easter eggers with that look.
I agree that a rooster should be chosen based on temperament, personality as well as looks and genetics. We had the best EE rooster that we loved. He was gorgeous, took care of the flock, was gentle with the hens, and NEVER attacked people. He fought off a coyote about a month ago and saved the flock. Unfortunately he got an infection in his leg from the bite and was not able to recover. We had to put him down this week. Horrible decision to make, but it is what it is. Now we have the task of picking one of his babies to be his replacement. I think we have three or four cockerels to choose from (they are only 4 weeks old). We will definitely be looking at color, but personality is most important. I hoped he passed on his temperament genes to his offspring.
RIP Roo Roo
I agree that a rooster should be chosen based on temperament, personality as well as looks and genetics. We had the best EE rooster that we loved. He was gorgeous, took care of the flock, was gentle with the hens, and NEVER attacked people. He fought off a coyote about a month ago and saved the flock. Unfortunately he got an infection in his leg from the bite and was not able to recover. We had to put him down this week. Horrible decision to make, but it is what it is. Now we have the task of picking one of his babies to be his replacement. I think we have three or four cockerels to choose from (they are only 4 weeks old). We will definitely be looking at color, but personality is most important. I hoped he passed on his temperament genes to his offspring.
RIP Roo Roo
Sorry to hear that. He was a BIG beautiful roo!
I agree that a rooster should be chosen based on temperament, personality as well as looks and genetics. We had the best EE rooster that we loved. He was gorgeous, took care of the flock, was gentle with the hens, and NEVER attacked people. He fought off a coyote about a month ago and saved the flock. Unfortunately he got an infection in his leg from the bite and was not able to recover. We had to put him down this week. Horrible decision to make, but it is what it is. Now we have the task of picking one of his babies to be his replacement. I think we have three or four cockerels to choose from (they are only 4 weeks old). We will definitely be looking at color, but personality is most important. I hoped he passed on his temperament genes to his offspring. RIP Roo Roo
So sorry you lost your rooster....he was beautiful.

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