Easter Egger club!

Everyone my EEs are IN DANGER.
I was squirrel hunting this morning behind the coop, and i look over at a red solo cup i was shooting earlier, and BAM there is a huge red fox.
I agree that a rooster should be chosen based on temperament, personality as well as looks and genetics. We had the best EE rooster that we loved. He was gorgeous, took care of the flock, was gentle with the hens, and NEVER attacked people. He fought off a coyote about a month ago and saved the flock. Unfortunately he got an infection in his leg from the bite and was not able to recover. We had to put him down this week. Horrible decision to make, but it is what it is. Now we have the task of picking one of his babies to be his replacement. I think we have three or four cockerels to choose from (they are only 4 weeks old). We will definitely be looking at color, but personality is most important. I hoped he passed on his temperament genes to his offspring.
RIP Roo Roo

Beautiful rooster. He reminds me of my EE roo, Party boy.
Everyone my EEs are IN DANGER.
I was squirrel hunting this morning behind the coop, and i look over at a red solo cup i was shooting earlier, and BAM there is a huge red fox.

Did you allow the fox to finish drinking from the cup before you shot it or not?

Actually I am kind of amazed your post does not read.....

I was hunting squirrels this morning behind the coop, and I looked over at a red solo cup I was shooting earlier and found a dead fox with a bullet hole in it.
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Yesterday I took someone advice and sat in the coop to see which hen laid which color egg.

I found some problems doing this.

One chicken would check out every nest and throw the grass over her back out onto the floor. I was wondering why I could not keep grass in the boxes.

The same hen would go over and talk to the other hens doing there work, getting the whole coop riled up. She would sing the egg song and get the rest singing it.

She did finally go into a nest and do her work. She was only in the nest about 2 minutes.

My ICU baby would head for a nest and then see me sitting on the other side the wire divider. She would jump down and run over to visit me. She would stand and stare at me a few minutes then leave. She would walk around and then jump back on the nest roost, look at me as if she forgot I was there and the whole cycle started over. She never did lay an egg when I was in there.

One chicken seemed to be just resting in the nest and never did anything, but when I left there was an egg under her.

Another one appeared to lay an egg, and sang the song, but had no egg.

When I gave up and left I assume life went back to normal, because I got more eggs than before yesterday.
Your girls made me laugh so hard! They are so ridiculous, aren't they?
Not really sure why someone would be hunting rodents when there are real predators out there that are more deserving of a chunk of lead. I actually asked my dad for a better holster for Christmas. I need it for horse riding so I can pack my pistol and shoot some coyotes. Tired of worrying about those worthless canines coming into my yard.
Not really sure why someone would be hunting rodents when there are real predators out there that are more deserving of a chunk of lead. I actually asked my dad for a better holster for Christmas. I need it for horse riding so I can pack my pistol and shoot some coyotes. Tired of worrying about those worthless canines coming into my yard.

I am amazed you asked for this.

I asked for an electronic predator call so I can sit on the far side of my property and invite them to their execution!
I asked for an electronic predator call so I can sit on the far side of my property and invite them to their execution!
That sounds awesome. I didn't know there was such a thing. Something to think about for the future. My roo fought off a coyote a few weeks back but later died from his injuries. We lost another roo and one of our best hens over the summer. Now this is a girl with a vengeance!

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