Easter Egger club!

Growin' up wayyyyyy to fast. :)
Yep I know exactly what you mean, I can't believe they are already adults laying eggs in just 8 months
Hello, BYC Buddies!

A quick question:

I have a beautiful Easter Egger pullet. She is five months old and appears to be a HEN. Flat pinkish pea comb, nice rounded tailfeathers... No sign of rooness in the saddle or hackle feathers.


Today, I noticed that some of her featherse coming in around her wings and neck have a beetle sheen to them, similar to my Wheaten Ameraucana roo. None of my other pullets have this, so I am wondering if this is normal for a hen?

It might also be important to note that most of her feathering is black.
I have a black headed EE when the light hits her just right she has a beautiful green sheen if that helps. I've tried to catch it on camera, but can't seem to get it.
I'd like to join. One of our six new chicks is an Easter Egger...here is her picture. No name yet. Just arrived today. I wonder wait color her eggs will be?


One of my easter egger hens grew a beard overnight. At least it seemed that fast. She keeps shaking it and trying to bite it to pull on the feathers. Is this normal??!?! The other easter egger has a slight puff around her cheeks which is what the first one had. She has not begun laying yet. The beard is about 2 inches long, darker than the rest of her feathers, and it waddles around. Please tell me she is not a he.
Name ideas... i named my mascara ladies Avon and Marykay. 

Love it! My son wants to do fairytale character names for our 6 new chicks..sleeping beauty, Cinderella, etc.. Way too long to say...trying to talk him in to shorts ones like Jo, Sally, etc
. I'm not gonna win this one so will will have to settle on nicknames

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