Easter Egger club!

My newest hatched Easter Eggers -- hatched 8/9/15. The center chick was hatched with an F1EE roo and a Lavender Ameraucana hen. The one on the left either has a Buff Orpington mother or a Red Sex Link mother. But the one on the right??? Who knows... I don't have anything grey/blue. Cool, huh?
Oh my goodness! I just want to pick them and and snuggly with their little fluffiness! Now that it isn't spring, we don't see chick pictures quit as often.
I know it has been probably asked before a million times but what is average age of first lay with EE? I have 2 that are almost 23 weeks with no eggs yet and am anxiously awaiting.
I know it has been probably asked before a million times but what is average age of first lay with EE? I have 2 that are almost 23 weeks with no eggs yet and am anxiously awaiting. 

Depends, because they are all mixed breeds, it could be anytime. Mine didn't until 38 weeks, and I know others have started at 16 weeks. It just depends on the parents.
I am getting eggs from all 3 of my EE's now. They all started just after 24 weeks. Beauty lays a more muted Green Blue Egg and BlackBeard and HellRaiser both lay a more blue egg. So exciting to have all 3 laying. I have 1 Buff Orpington laying as well but my other Buff's, my Speckled Sussex, and my New Hampshire reds are still not laying. So I would recommend EE hens to anyone! They were my first to lay and even though they just started, they are laying every other day!!!
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I am getting eggs from all 3 of my EE's now. They all started just after 24 weeks. Beauty lays a more muted Green Blue Egg and BlackBeard and HellRaiser both lay a more blue egg. So exciting to have all 3 laying. I have 1 Buff Orpington laying as well but my other Buff's, my Speckled Sussex, and my New Hampshire reds are still not laying. So I would recommend EE hens to anyone! They were my first to lay and even though they just started, they are laying every other day!!!
Those are so pretty! 6 of mine I just got will be 24 weeks tomorrow, but I don't think it'll be that soon for mine.
Hey guys sorry this doesn't retain to this thread but both of my flocks each 10plus hens and a rooster each haven't layed more than 3eggs a weeks so 6eggs roughly a weeks from both flocks its in the 107 degrees and around there every day they have shade fresh water (x3gallons)per coop three times Daily and also feeders are always full and scratch grain givin out once every other day and they are eating like normal dust bathing but there has been a grey fox out there everynight he hasn't got in the coop or run at all my silver pheonix rooster broke a spur in the chicken wire going at the fox so not sure if it has been back my dogs haven't been barking at night anymore my chickens aren't freeking out at night just wondering what you guys thought they were laying almost 2dozen eggs a day at one point before the heat got bad but I didn't think it would decrease this bad so if you have any ideas let me know please and sorry again that its it part of this thread just thought you guys would have some good imput
I had a fox attack last year about this time and then they went into molt. The egg production really went down.

Egg production is starting to trickle off again and I think they are starting to molt again.

Have you been noticing any extra feathers laying around? If they are molting, they won't lay eggs.

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