Easter Egger club!

Hello everyone! This is my 7 month old cockerel, Nero. He's a happy boy and was loving his pomegranate treat today and I just had to share his photo. I love seeing everyone's EEs!

He's beautiful! I hope mine ends up this colorful, mine's mostly yellow and white right now but he's only 12 weeks along.
So been supper busy here this weekend, and tomorrow I have people coming to clean out all the kids JUNK out of the garage, a truck load of round bales, and the foot guy for the horses... lol all coming at the same time... Man I hope some one is running late and someone early... But!!! it will be done and over with. Not to mention all DH " would like " done too!!!! Are you kidding me????

Got the floor completely done in the new coop shed and most of the Wall frames and the roof joists put together before we lost the daylight. Metal shed for a coop...... NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodnight to all and to all a Goodnight
So been supper busy here this weekend, and tomorrow I have people coming to clean out all the kids JUNK out of the garage, a truck load of round bales, and the foot guy for the horses... lol all coming at the same time... Man I hope some one is running late and someone early... But!!! it will be done and over with. Not to mention all DH " would like " done too!!!! Are you kidding me????

Got the floor completely done in the new coop shed and most of the Wall frames and the roof joists put together before we lost the daylight. Metal shed for a coop...... NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodnight to all and to all a Goodnight

Hi - you know, after following other chickeneers coop constructions and going through a couple coops of our own, I have yet to find a completely perfect coop or anyone that doesn't want to modify a shed or pre-fab so welcome to all of our worlds LOL! You are making fast progress! It took us 6 months to get our Barn Coop assembled and now that the backyard is torn up for adding a block wall fence our Barn Coop is still not at rest in it's final location and still needs it's run to be attached to it. Now, if only the intermittent rains would stop impeding our progress we'll have a block wall soon!
I agree with Chic Rookie, GLW I had were pretty but mean as all get out. So I rehome them.The EEs are happier and so is my timid Cochin.

EEs and Cochins are a good temperament mix and it was wise of you to rehome the Wyans which have a tendency to dominate.

My little Silkies are happy with our Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my avatar at 5-mo-old) and our Blue Breda. The Amer has never fought back if one of the Silkies got in one of their nasty broody tempers - the Amer is a great flockmate always avoiding conflict and running from any chicken she perceives is not in a good mood. As quick as the Amer is to avoid another chicken she is just as quick to allow me to pet or pick her up which really endears her to us. She's only layed 3 eggs this year but she is so sweet we keep her around for her great temperament. But wish I had known in advance that Ameraucanas were not the best layers and have decided not to try EEs for the same reason. A Farmers' Market seller says EE eggs were pretty but they were poor layers and won't order any more EEs in the future. For what Amer and EE hens lack in production they make up for it by having the colorful eggs and for having sweet non-combative temperaments toward flockmates.

The new Breda had me worried at first as she tried to test her flock position but the matriarch Silkie easily put the Breda in her place because there isn't much difference in weight between them - only about a pound difference. The Breda is respectful toward the matriarch Silkie now. I was glad to see it was worked out because the Breda was an experiment on our part to see how well Breda would get along with bantam Silkies. The Breda is still young so we are still monitoring her behavior. She definitely has exhibited an extraordinary ability to learn things quickly like maneuvering around in the new coop while the oldsters were slower figuring out the new ladders and new nestboxes. She was the first to explore the new fenced area set up for the flock during construction in the yard. She has a curious unafraid friendly nature and introduced herself to the neighbor's Yorkie Terrier through the chainlink fence as if they had been friends for years - much to my relief. I won't have to worry about neighborhood dogs once the block fence replaces the chainlink!

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