Easter Egger club!

Hello all, I've got 10 green eggs from this girl in my incubator now. They go on lockdown tomorrow. I thought I had lost her to a fox, but discovered her on her nest in the woods. When I tried to relocate her safely to the coop, she abandoned the eggs. So I put them in the bator. Kinda excited because she is the only EE I have this color. My roo is an EE, so we'll see what we get!
She's drop dead gorgeous. That's an intense look she's giving you! I hope you have a good hatch rate, I can't wait to see what you get!

Hello all,
I've got 10 green eggs from this girl in my incubator now. They go on lockdown tomorrow. I thought I had lost her to a fox, but discovered her on her nest in the woods. When I tried to relocate her safely to the coop, she abandoned the eggs. So I put them in the bator. Kinda excited because she is the only EE I have this color. My roo is an EE, so we'll see what we get!
You could get sex links if the rooster is red . Pullets would be brown as adults . A little hard to tell brown from silver /gold cockerels at day old on striped chicks .
You could get sex links if the rooster is red . Pullets would be brown as adults . A little hard to tell brown from silver /gold cockerels at day old on striped chicks .

Another of Sybil, and my Roo, J.J. --- I candled tonight before lockdown tomorrow. Looks like I'm getting drawdown. And I have one quitter for sure, maybe two. I haven't hatched chicks in a couple years.. I'm kinda excited.
I'm pretty sure this EE is a boy. We'd named him Kittyhawk but it might just be Hawk now. Lol

When we first got the "pullet..."



Last weekend...

And while I don't have a photo from today, we noticed that it's large 3 row comb is turning pink. He was born in 3/23. Safe to say it's a roo?

Here's Cheetara!

And here's Mocha.


Another of Sybil, and my Roo, J.J. --- I candled tonight before lockdown tomorrow. Looks like I'm getting drawdown. And I have one quitter for sure, maybe two. I haven't hatched chicks in a couple years.. I'm kinda excited.
No sex links from him . He looks to carry both silver and gold .Due to the yellow in the saddle feathers .
No sex links from him . He looks to carry both silver and gold .Due to the yellow in the saddle feathers .

Ooh, if you don't mind, do you think my Nero has any sex-linkable features? I'm guessing no. Would crossing him with a barred rock work for a sexable hatch? Thanks :) I haven't spent the time and effort to learn yet. No hatching for me until my friend gets his meat processing setup complete next year.

I love EE! I think they're the prettiest breed of chickens!
Currently writing this with one of mine, a two week old and she's always in the way! x)

Here's my Roo EE , Romeo!

My Hen EE , Rosalie ( Rosa' )

And my little one always in the way

And my latest , that hatched yesterday , a little all black EE!

Didn't choose the name of the last two ones yet!

And I think one more is on it's way

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